I need to write an EL expression for an attribute which goes something like this:
#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser ? (cc.attrs.count +'<br/>'+ (cc.attrs.count-1)) : ((cc.attrs.count+1) +'<br/>'+ cc.attrs.count)}
Now the problem is that this gives an error as strings cannot be concatenated, the way I am doing it. So how can I rectify this?
I'm using JSF 2.0 with facelets.
I'm resolving the issue using the following inline javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
var count=#{cc.attrs.count};
document.write(#{cc.attrs.appreciatedByCurrentUser} ? (count-1) +'<br/>'+count : count+'<br/>'+ (count+1));
Can you think of any issue with this?
attribute(1 ms for eachrendered
) If I implement this using your proposed solution that would add up atleast 50 more rendered attributes in my page. Thus 50ms delay..!?? – Dosia