When allocating and deallocating randomly sized memory chunks with 4 or more threads using openmp's parallel for construct, the program seems to start leaking considerable amounts of memory in the second half of the test-program's runtime. Thus it increases its consumed memory from 1050 MB to 1500 MB or more without actually making use of the extra memory.
As valgrind shows no issues, I must assume that what appears to be a memory leak actually is an emphasized effect of memory fragmentation.
Interestingly, the effect does not show yet if 2 threads make 10000 allocations each, but it shows strongly if 4 threads make 5000 allocations each. Also, if the maximum size of allocated chunks is reduced to 256kb (from 1mb), the effect gets weaker.
Can heavy concurrency emphasize fragmentation that much ? Or is this more likely to be a bug in the heap ?
Test Program Description
The demo program is build to obtain a total of 256 MB of randomly sized memory chunks from the heap, doing 5000 allocations. If the memory limit is hit, the chunks allocated first will be deallocated until the memory consumption falls below the limit. Once 5000 allocations where performed, all memory is released and the loop ends. All this work is done for each thread generated by openmp.
This memory allocation scheme allows us to expect a memory consumption of ~260 MB per thread (including some bookkeeping data).
Demo Program
As this is really something you might want to test, you can download the sample program with a simple makefile from dropbox.
When running the program as is, you should have at least 1400 MB of RAM available. Feel free to adjust the constants in the code to suit your needs.
For completeness, the actual code follows:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <omp.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
void runParallelAllocTest()
// constants
const int NUM_ALLOCATIONS = 5000; // alloc's per thread
const int NUM_THREADS = 4; // how many threads?
const int NUM_ITERS = NUM_THREADS;// how many overall repetions
const bool USE_NEW = true; // use new or malloc? , seems to make no difference (as it should)
const bool DEBUG_ALLOCS = false; // debug output
// pre store allocation sizes
const int NUM_PRE_ALLOCS = 20000;
const uint64_t MEM_LIMIT = (1024 * 1024) * 256; // x MB per process
const size_t MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1;
std::vector<size_t> allocations;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PRE_ALLOCS; i++) {
allocations[i] = rand() % MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; // use up to x MB chunks
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(NUM_THREADS)
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITERS; ++i) {
uint64_t long totalAllocBytes = 0;
uint64_t currAllocBytes = 0;
std::deque< std::pair<char*, uint64_t> > pointers;
const int myId = omp_get_thread_num();
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ALLOCATIONS; ++j) {
// new allocation
const size_t allocSize = allocations[(myId * 100 + j) % NUM_PRE_ALLOCS ];
char* pnt = NULL;
if (USE_NEW) {
pnt = new char[allocSize];
} else {
pnt = (char*) malloc(allocSize);
pointers.push_back(std::make_pair(pnt, allocSize));
totalAllocBytes += allocSize;
currAllocBytes += allocSize;
// fill with values to add "delay"
for (int fill = 0; fill < (int) allocSize; ++fill) {
pnt[fill] = (char)(j % 255);
std::cout << "Id " << myId << " New alloc " << pointers.size() << ", bytes:" << allocSize << " at " << (uint64_t) pnt << "\n";
// free all or just a bit
if (((j % 5) == 0) || (j == (NUM_ALLOCATIONS - 1))) {
int frees = 0;
// keep this much allocated
// last check, free all
uint64_t memLimit = MEM_LIMIT;
if (j == NUM_ALLOCATIONS - 1) {
std::cout << "Id " << myId << " about to release all memory: " << (currAllocBytes / (double)(1024 * 1024)) << " MB" << std::endl;
memLimit = 0;
while (pointers.size() > 0 && (currAllocBytes > memLimit)) {
// free one of the first entries to allow previously obtained resources to 'live' longer
currAllocBytes -= pointers.front().second;
char* pnt = pointers.front().first;
// free memory
if (USE_NEW) {
delete[] pnt;
} else {
// update array
std::cout << "Id " << myId << " Free'd " << pointers.size() << " at " << (uint64_t) pnt << "\n";
std::cout << "Frees " << frees << ", " << currAllocBytes << "/" << MEM_LIMIT << ", " << totalAllocBytes << "\n";
} // for each allocation
if (currAllocBytes != 0) {
std::cerr << "Not all free'd!\n";
std::cout << "Id " << myId << " done, total alloc'ed " << ((double) totalAllocBytes / (double)(1024 * 1024)) << "MB \n";
} // for each iteration
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
The Test-System
From what I see so far, the hardware matters a lot. The test might need adjustments if run on a faster machine.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bit
gcc 4.3, 4.4, 4.6
3988.62 Bogomips
Once you have executed the makefile, you should get a file named ompmemtest
. To query the memory usage over time, I used the following commands:
./ompmemtest &
top -b | grep ompmemtest
Which yields the quite impressive fragmentation or leaking behaviour. The expected memory consumption with 4 threads is 1090 MB, which became 1500 MB over time:
11626 byron 20 0 204m 99m 1000 R 27 2.5 0:00.81 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 992m 832m 1004 R 195 21.0 0:06.69 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1118m 1.0g 1004 R 189 26.1 0:12.40 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1218m 1.0g 1004 R 190 27.1 0:18.13 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1282m 1.1g 1004 R 195 29.6 0:24.06 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1471m 1.3g 1004 R 195 33.5 0:29.96 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1469m 1.3g 1004 R 194 33.5 0:35.85 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1469m 1.3g 1004 R 195 33.6 0:41.75 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1636m 1.5g 1004 R 194 37.8 0:47.62 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1660m 1.5g 1004 R 195 38.0 0:53.54 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1669m 1.5g 1004 R 195 38.2 0:59.45 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1664m 1.5g 1004 R 194 38.1 1:05.32 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1724m 1.5g 1004 R 195 40.0 1:11.21 ompmemtest
11626 byron 20 0 1724m 1.6g 1140 S 193 40.1 1:17.07 ompmemtest
Please Note: I could reproduce this issue when compiling with gcc 4.3, 4.4 and 4.6(trunk).