I would like to download an English dictionary -- not just a word list -- in a structured format such as TXT, XML, or SQL.
Specifically, I need phonetic pronunciation and parts of speech (definition is not required).
Surprisingly, I can't find this online anywhere. Wiktionary is available for download, but it is only the MediaWiki articles themselves. Crawling all articles and extracting the phonetics and parts of speech would be a huge exercise.
Is this available anywhere? I don't mind paying.
Edit: a few people have asked what I would like to do. My immediate need is just curiosity, for example "what the most common two-syllable verbs?". Eventually my hope would be a tool that helps you find available domain names, and does so by pairing the correct parts of speech, with bonus points for phonetic matches.
Note: cross-posted on English Language and Usage.
<span class="IPA">/stʌf/</span>
– Correspond