There are already a bunch of great solutions listed here, but I wanted to add one that has O(nlogn) runtime without using a balanced binary tree, which isn't in the Python standard library. This solution isn't my idea, but I had to think a bit as to why it worked. Here's the code, explanation below:
def maximumSum(a, m):
prefixSums = [(0, -1)]
for idx, el in enumerate(a):
prefixSums.append(((prefixSums[-1][0] + el) % m, idx))
prefixSums = sorted(prefixSums)
maxSeen = prefixSums[-1][0]
for (a, a_idx), (b, b_idx) in zip(prefixSums[:-1], prefixSums[1:]):
if a_idx > b_idx and b > a:
maxSeen = max((a-b) % m, maxSeen)
return maxSeen
As with the other solutions, we first calculate the prefix sums, but this time we also keep track of the index of the prefix sum. We then sort the prefix sums, as we want to find the smallest difference between prefix sums modulo m - sorting lets us just look at adjacent elements as they have the smallest difference.
At this point you might think we're neglecting an essential part of the problem - we want the smallest difference between prefix sums, but the larger prefix sum needs to appear before the smaller prefix sum (meaning it has a smaller index). In the solutions using trees, we ensure that by adding prefix sums one by one and recalculating the best solution.
However, it turns out that we can look at adjacent elements and just ignore ones that don't satisfy our index requirement. This confused me for some time, but the key realization is that the optimal solution will always come from two adjacent elements. I'll prove this via a contradiction. Let's say that the optimal solution comes from two non-adjacent prefix sums x and z with indices i and k, where z > x (it's sorted!) and k > i:
x ... z
k ... i
Let's consider one of the numbers between x and z, and let's call it y with index j. Since the list is sorted, x < y < z.
x ... y ... z
k ... j ... i
The prefix sum y must have index j < i, otherwise it would be part of a better solution with z. But if j < i, then j < k and y and x form a better solution than z and x! So any elements between x and z must form a better solution with one of the two, which contradicts our original assumption. Therefore the optimal solution must come from adjacent prefix sums in the sorted list.
? – Persiani
and sums (in modolus) tok
, for each indexi
and for eachk
(done in DP) – Virgulate