The accepted answer here doesn't really describe the lifecycle of ViewBag/ViewData. It's unfortunate there appears to be no clear documentation about this. However, based on this:
It would seem the lifecycle is:
IIS request -> Routing -> MVC Handler -> Controller (with ViewData) -> View (with ViewData) -> Disposal
So, the ViewData (which ViewBag simply wraps) would actually be instantiated with the ControllerContext, at the same time TempData is instantiated. This occurs a few steps after Step 4: MVC Handler Executes.
There's an interesting step later where "If the Page has ViewData, the ViewData is set" during the handoff from Controller to View. ViewData is clearly available prior to this, so set can't mean instantiate. It appears to instead mean it's transferred from the Controller (which remember isn't available to a View) to the ViewContext (the container that provides the View access to ViewBag/ViewData, and Model).
The ViewData is presumably disposed of at the same time as the rest of the View.
It's important to also note that MVC Views are rendered from the inside out, so the particular View and any assignments it makes to the ViewBag will occur likewise in the order of inside to outside. That means something set on a View child page will be available to a Layout, but adding something to a ViewBag in a Layout and then reading it in a View child page will fail.