I know it's an old question and I just wanted to add my two cents (no permission to comment yet, so creating a new answer).
I do see the value in sumanth.donthula's answer as the problem for all of us merging jars will be how to deal with the manifest files. In my case I wanted to merge some library files (mainly generated web service client code) into the jar of an application written by me. It was OK to replace the manifests with the one of my own jar.
The simplest way of doing this is taking care of the order in which you unzip the original files (as Alnitak and sumanth.donthula noted).
I wanted to use the zip ant task (thank you, ykombinator, for the idea). It turned out that the only way of controlling the order of compressing/packaging is renaming the files. See my ant target below.
The output directory in my example is called codemodule.dir (I created a FileNet code module). The rest of the names are self-explaining. The important step is renaming the application jar to 0_... to be the 1st in order. This way its manifest will be retained as the duplicate attribute of the zip ant task is set to preserve.
<target name="merge_jars">
<delete dir="${codemodule.dir}" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${codemodule.dir}" />
<copy todir="${codemodule.dir}">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="${app-name}.jar"/>
<move file="${codemodule.dir}/${app-name}.jar" tofile="${codemodule.dir}/0_${app-name}.jar"/>
<zip destfile="${codemodule.dir}/${app-name}-fat.jar" duplicate="preserve">
<zipgroupfileset dir="${codemodule.dir}">
<include name="*.jar"/>