Having passed a series of Edward Tanguay's questions refractoring the usage of MVVM for WPF app which can be found in Linked sidebar of his Fat Models, skinny ViewModels and dumb Views, the best MVVM approach?, I am a little confused by his final WPF application in Big smart ViewModels, dumb Views, and any model, the best MVVM approach?
Its M (Model) is Customer class:
public class Customer
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime TimeOfMostRecentActivity { get; set; }
public static Customer GetCurrentCustomer()
return new Customer
{ FirstName = "Jim"
, LastName = "Smith"
, TimeOfMostRecentActivity = DateTime.Now
which returns current user. Kind of, beause it returns duplicates of newly created "current" user...
But where is the M's data stored and updated in case of need?
Suppose, I want to change the model's current user's FirstName
to "Gennady"?
I added a button for updating the model with this button click event handler:
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
aiming to change the model's data from it which will be reflected in GUI.
How can I do this, by clicking this button... sorry, by placing the code into this button1_Click()
Or it is something wrong with my wish to do it?
Then. how to correctly update/change M in MVVM ?
All answers seem refer that I should not make changes in M but on VM.
Though I've specifically asked about referenced M-V-VM implementation with:
public CustomerViewModel()
_timer = new Timer(CheckForChangesInModel, null, 0, 1000);
private void CheckForChangesInModel(object state)
Customer currentCustomer = CustomerViewModel.GetCurrentCustomer();
MapFieldsFromModeltoViewModel(currentCustomer, this);
public static void MapFieldsFromModeltoViewModel
(Customer model, CustomerViewModel viewModel)
viewModel.FirstName = model.FirstName;
viewModel.LastName = model.LastName;
viewModel.TimeOfMostRecentActivity = model.TimeOfMostRecentActivity;
So, for example, upon implementing the code from Adolfo Perez's answer changes, the TextBox
's content is changed from "Jim" to "Gennady" only for a period of interval set in _timer = new Timer(CheckForChangesInModel, null, 0, 1000);
All logic of referenced by me M-V-VM in WPF approach is such that it is "M" should be updated, in order VM has caught up those changes, but not the "VM".
Even more, I cannot understand, if to make changes in VM how can they be reflected in M if the VM knows about M but - not vice versa - Model does not know about ViewModel).