Here's a simpler solution adapted for TypeScript based on this original blog.
export function findNearestPointOnLine(px: number, py: number, ax: number, ay: number, bx: number, by: number)
const atob = { x: bx - ax, y: by - ay };
const atop = { x: px - ax, y: py - ay };
const len = (atob.x * atob.x) + (atob.y * atob.y);
let dot = (atop.x * atob.x) + (atop.y * atob.y);
const t = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, dot / len));
dot = ((bx - ax) * (py - ay)) - ((by - ay) * (px - ax));
return { x: ax + (atob.x * t), y: ay + (atob.y * t) };
I extended this to handle a given rect.
export function findNearestPointOnRect(px: number, py: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)
const left = x;
const right = x + width;
const top = y;
const bottom = top + height;
// top, right, bottom, left
const { x: topX, y: topY } = findNearestPointOnLine(px, py, left, top, right, top);
const { x: rightX, y: rightY } = findNearestPointOnLine(px, py, right, top, right, bottom);
const { x: bottomX, y: bottomY } = findNearestPointOnLine(px, py, left, bottom, right, bottom);
const { x: leftX, y: leftY } = findNearestPointOnLine(px, py, left, top, left, bottom);
const topD = distanceBetween(px, py, topX, topY);
const rightD = distanceBetween(px, py, rightX, rightY);
const bottomD = distanceBetween(px, py, bottomX, bottomY);
const leftD = distanceBetween(px, py, leftX, leftY);
const points: {
side: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
d: number;
x: number;
y: number;
}[] = [
{ side: 'top', d: topD, x: topX, y: topY },
{ side: 'right', d: rightD, x: rightX, y: rightY },
{ side: 'bottom', d: bottomD, x: bottomX, y: bottomY },
{ side: 'left', d: leftD, x: leftX, y: leftY },
points.sort((a, b) =>
if (a.d < b.d)
return -1;
if (a.d > b.d)
return 1;
return 0;
return points[0];
Note: If your lines or rectangle are transformed then make sure you first transform the input point down to local coordinates to make life a lot easier.