Performance is very much dependent on the buffer size used. Those are fairly small by default. Concatenating 2x2GB files I'd take a buffersize of about 256kb. Going larger might sometimes fail, smaller and you'll get less throughput than your drive is capable of.
With gc
that'd be with -ReadCount
not simply -Read
(PowerShell 5.0):
gc -ReadCount 256KB -Path $infile -Encoding Byte | ...
Plus I found Add-Content
to be better and going file-by-file for a lot of small files, because piping only a moderate amount of data (200MB) I found my computer going oom, PowerShell freezing and CPU at full.
Although Add-Content
randomly fails a few times for a few hundred files with an error about the destination file being in use, so I added a while loop and a try catch:
# Empty the file first
sc -Path "$path\video.ts" -Value @() -Encoding Byte
$tsfiles | foreach {
while ($true) {
try { # I had -ReadCount 0 because the files are smaller than 256KB
gc -ReadCount 0 -Path "$path\$_" -Encoding Byte | `
Add-Content -Path "$path\video.ts" -Encoding Byte -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Using a file stream is much faster still. You cannot specify a buffer size with [System.IO.File]::Open
but you can with new [System.IO.FileStream]
like so:
# $path = "C:\"
$ins = @("a.ts", "b.ts")
$outfile = "$path\out.mp4"
$out = New-Object -TypeName "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList @(
try {
foreach ($in in $ins) {
$fs = New-Object -TypeName "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList @(
try {
} finally {
} finally {