Is there a way to extract/copy the fist X number of lines from a file and input them into another file with a single command using the windows command prompt?
I can delete the first X number of lines using:
more +X [file_containing data] > [file_to_export_data_to]
If the head command would work I think I could just do this:
head -X [file_containing data] > [file_to_export_data_to]
But that unfortunately does not work.
It would be great if Windows had a "less" command but again no luck.
I'm a complete novice when it comes to this stuff so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. I don't want to install anything or use something other than the command prompt.
get-content file | select-object -first 10
. (PowerShell is built-in from Windows 7 on.) – Durer