See GitHub SingleInstanceAccumulator for a C# implementation of the well worn Mutex + COPYDATA approach to this.
other stack-o's expressing the need.
Explorer Context Menu config
::creates the entry
:: and crucial multi-file handling property
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FileType\shell\YourNewContextMenu" /f /v "MultiSelectModel" /d "Player"
::your desired command line
reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FileType\shell\YourNewContextMenu\command" /f /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "***see command line examples***"
e.g. On my system, for ".mov" files, I would replace FileType
above with
Complex REG ADD example
Replace "* see command line examples *" above with your desired command line.
Note: quotes & environment variables must be escaped and escaping work slightly differently for the initial command versus later in the string!?!
λ reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\shell\Transcode\command" /f /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "\"^%bin^%\SingleInstanceAccumulator\" -f \"-c:powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass "\"^%bin^%\test.ps1\"" -list '$files'\" \"%1\""
SingleInstanceAccumulator.exe Usage
"-c:command line" (default: cmd /c echo $files && pause)
$files will be replace with aggregated list
-f = output each item on separate line to new tempfile
$files will be replaced by the tempfile path
quote will default to nothing
-d:delimiter (default: ,)
-q:quote (default: ")
-t:timeout millisecs (default: 200)
-w = hidden launch
-v = debug output
Command Line Examples
note: initial command must have path for shell > command to work
PowerShell & temp file
note: -f usage
"%bin%\SingleInstanceAccumulator" -f "-c:powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass "%bin%\test.ps1" -list '$files'" "%1"
PowerShell & inline files list
note: -q usage
"%bin%\SingleInstanceAccumulator" -q:' "-c:powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass "%bin%\test.ps1" -list $files" "%1"
test.ps1 (with temp file)
gc $listFilePath | % { $_ }
erase $listFilePath
test.ps1 (with files array parm)
$filesList | % { $_ }