Problem: onRoomCreated returns STATUS_NETWORK_ERROR_NO_DATA 5% of the times, for no reason that we can figure out.
The game worked well for about 16 months of development (no problem of missing "permissions" in the manifest or the Google Play Console) but starting with Google Play Service 29 (that's "allegedly"... it could be unrelated), this unpredictable behaviour started, and it is blocking any further attempt to create a room (same wrong statusCode over again, even after restarting the game).
The only way to make it work again is either to restart the game after 10-15 minutes or to restart the device (usually works but not always).
The problem is the same on 3 different devices (no emulators here).
What we found about this problem (on SO and elsewhere) is that it could be related to NOT leaving the room (RealTimeMultiplayer.leave(...)) before trying to create a new one. So we are waiting AT LEAST the end of "onLeftRoom" (plus 3 sec, just in case) before trying to create a new room. To no avail.
Obviously we are following the recommended guidelines: instantiate GoogleApiClient in onCreate, .connect in onStart, .disconnect in onStop (even if .connect is on its way)...
Also notice that, because it's supposed to be a "NETWORK_ERROR", we are validating the Internet connection (with a ping) before each attempt to create a room.
Please, if you have ANY info about this issue, or if you know how to make Google Play create a room after this statusCode WITHOUT restarting the device, please let us know because until then our release date if forever postponed. Thanks a lot.