Hi there I have scanned this site and Google for any latest updates on downloading stock info from Yahoo Finance. I have not had much success. As I am testing my app, I came across an 404 server not found exception using the following C# code snippet:
string urlTemplate =
@"http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=[symbol]&a=" +
"[startMonth]&b=[startDay]&c=[startYear]&d=[endMonth]&e=" +
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
history = wc.DownloadString(urlTemplate);
Do you know if Yahoo recently (or always) had some update on how much much you can request from Yahoo's Finance server? If so, does anyone know the upper limit or threshold? Is it over time or max number of daily requests? I thought about putting a random sleep request of up to 2 minutes to get by this. I don't think that would help. Is there any alternatives that would enable me to constantly make requests to Yahoo Finance? I thought Yahoo had some kind of subscription service you could use for this exact purpose. I cannot find anything about it. If none of this is a no go with Yahoo, does anyone have any recommendations of affordable alternative services or data feed services?