I'm wondering how the TestCase.assertQuerysetEqual method works. I tried it in different ways, each of them leading me to another error message.
#create a backup of all records in the tree
tree_record_backup = list(Tree.objects.all())
#do some updates on another table, which should not affect the tree table if everything goes wrong
#check if list of tree records did not changed
tree_record_qs = Tree.objects.all()
Error Message for Number1:
First list contains 21 additional elements.
First extra element 1:
node.pk: 2 - node: node2 - pk: 2 - level: 0 - ancestor: 2
Error Message for Number 2:
AssertionError: Lists differ: ['<Tree: node.pk: 1 - node: ro... != [<Tree: node.pk: 1 - node: roo...
First differing element 0:
<Tree: node.pk: 1 - node: root - pk: 1 - level: 0 - ancestor: 1>
node.pk: 1 - node: root - pk: 1 - level: 0 - ancestor: 1
Thanks for hints how to use the assertQuerysetEqual method correctly.
map(repr, your_second_queryset)
because assertQuerysetEqual converts queryset to a list. – Frons