So I'm creating a site using MVC, and my DropDownLists and DropDownListFors do not look the same as the other input elements on the page. I tried setting their class to be the same "form-control", and even tried adding my own class in the css that has pretty much the same properties called "mydropdown" and using that - neither had an effect.
So I found this very handy thread answered by Joseph Woodward that I just tried....
I'm using VB instead of C# so I had to translate it. This is my translated BootstrapHtml:
Public Class BootstrapHtml
Public Function Dropdown(id As String, selectListItems As List(Of SelectListItem), label As String) As MvcHtmlString
Dim button = New TagBuilder("button")
button.Attributes.Add("id", id)
button.Attributes.Add("type", "button")
button.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "dropdown")
button.InnerHtml += " " + BuildCaret()
Dim wrapper = New TagBuilder("div")
wrapper.InnerHtml += button.ToString
wrapper.InnerHtml += BuildDropdown(id, selectListItems)
Return New MvcHtmlString(wrapper.ToString)
End Function
Private Function BuildCaret() As String
Dim caret = New TagBuilder("span")
Return caret.ToString
End Function
Private Function BuildDropdown(id As String, items As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)) As String
Dim list = New TagBuilder("ul")
list.Attributes.Add("class", "dropdown-menu")
list.Attributes.Add("role", "menu")
list.Attributes.Add("aria-labelledby", id)
Dim listItem = New TagBuilder("li")
listItem.Attributes.Add("role", "presentation")
For Each x In items
list.InnerHtml += "<li role=\presentation\>" & BuildListRow(x) & "</li>"
Return list.ToString
End Function
Private Function BuildListRow(item As SelectListItem) As String
Dim anchor = New TagBuilder("a")
anchor.Attributes.Add("role", "menuitem")
anchor.Attributes.Add("tabindex", "-1")
anchor.Attributes.Add("href", item.Value)
Return anchor.ToString
End Function
End Class
The one thing I'm not sure I got right was the string concatenation in the For Each loop....
In any case, in my view I tried using
@BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")
but it gave me a code error:
Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
So I added a declaration in the code section at the top:
Dim newDropDown As BootstrapHtml = New BootstrapHtml
And my line in the view now looks like this:
@newDropDown = BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")
So now my site runs with no errors, however when I go to this page, instead of a dropdown list I am seeing the string, which is this:
[myproject].BootstrapHtml = BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")
So, I guess first off is the string translation in my class correct (as mentioned above)? And if it is, why am I seeing the string on my page instead of an actual drop down?
Thank you!!