What I intend to achieve
The item view should occupy the entire height of the item
It could be that the item height is lesser than the height of the tallest item in the recyclerview, in which case it should just stick to the top like in the screenshot above.
The bug I'm running into
As in the screenshot above, views are getting truncated.
What I've tried so far
Initially I went with wrap_content on the recyclerview, now that it is supported. It didn't work when none of the views visible on the screen at the time were the tallest. This makes sense in how the view hierarchy is laid out. How can the height of something which hasn't even been bound to any data yet be calculated if the height is dependent on that data?
Workaround time :S
Instead of trying a custom layoutmanager, I first went with what I felt needed to be done - laying out all item views at the beginning to figure out their height.
There's a progressbar and an animation playing in the upper part of the screen to catch the user's attention while all this happens with recyclerview visibility set to invisible. I use two things, one didn't suffice - I've attached an observer in the adapter's onViewAttached()
call and I've used a scroll change listener as well. There's a LinearSnapHelper attached to the recycler view to snap to adjacent (next or previous, depending on the scroll direction) position on scroll.
In this setup,
- I'm going to each position in the recyclerview using
Getting the child view height using
View currentChildView = binding.nextRv.getChildAt(layoutManager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()); if (currentChildView != null) { currentChildHeight = currentChildView.getHeight(); }
in scroll change listener on RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE
or by passing the height to the view attached observer mentioned above in the adapter's onViewAttachedToWindow()
public void onViewAttachedToWindow(BindingViewHolder holder) {
if (mObserver != null) {
- Storing a
that changes to the max of maxHeight and new child's height.
As is evident, this is ugly. Plus it doesn't give me the current view's height - onAttached means it's only just attached, not measured and laid out. It is the recycled view, not the view bound to current data item. Which presents problems like the truncation of view illustrated above.
I've also tried wrap_content height on the recycler view and invalidating from recycler's parent till the recycler and the child on scroll coming to SCROLL_STATE_IDLE. Doesn't work.
I'm not sure how a custom layoutmanager can help here.
Can someone guide me in the right direction?
obtained – Pomcroy