There is also a parent_mailer option in devise.rb, let's say you are sending emails outside of devise, by default this option is set to ActionMailer::Base, but if you have an ApplicationMailer that already is inheriting from ActionMailer::Base, you could change parent_mailer to this and get all your layouts and configurations out of the box.
In any case is a lot cleaner to use this to keep the rails flow of layouts in your applications if you don't want to change anything in the devise mailer controller.
# devise.rb
config.parent_mailer = 'ApplicationMailer'
# application_mailer.rb
class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
layout 'mailer'
Devise::Mailer.layout "simple"
to the top of yourdevise.rb
initializer, before the setup block. – Roscoeroscommon