I‘ve get the bytecode-like code here by ASM .
I think this can answer your question , explaining what happened when a object is created in this occasion.
public class Test {
static <clinit>() : void
GETSTATIC System.out : PrintStream
LDC "3"
INVOKEVIRTUAL PrintStream.println(String) : void
<init>() : void
ALOAD 0: this
INVOKESPECIAL Object.<init>() : void
GETSTATIC System.out : PrintStream
LDC "2"
INVOKEVIRTUAL PrintStream.println(String) : void
GETSTATIC System.out : PrintStream
LDC "1"
INVOKEVIRTUAL PrintStream.println(String) : void
public static main(String[]) : void
NEW Test
INVOKESPECIAL Test.<init>() : void
we can see LDC "3"
is in the "clinit" , this is a class initializer .
The lifetime of a object usually is : loading class -> linking class -> class initialization -> object instantiation -> use -> GC . That's why 3 appears first. And as this is in the class level , not object level , it will appear once as class type will be loaded once . For details , referencing to inside the Java2 Virtual Machine : life time of a type
LDC "2"
and `LDC "1"
is in "init" , the constructor.
Reason why it's in this order is : Constructor will first execute some implict instruction such as super constructor and code in the {} of a class , then execute code which's in their construtor explicit.
That's what a compiler will do to the java file.