Although you may have a full JDK installed somewhere, and pointed to by JAVA_HOME, I don't think the Eclipse Gradle plugin will use it by default. I ran into the same problem running the the "test" target for the Gradle "quickstart" app in Springsource Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.3.0(Gradle IDE plugin).
If you re-run the failed Gradle target from the "External Tools" menu (under the "arrow with a suitcase icon"), adding "--debug" in the "Program Args" under the Arguments tab, it will show you in the console what JVM/JDK it uses. I was able to get around the problem by deselecting "Use Gradle wrapper's default" in the Java Home section of the Arguments tab, and replacing it with an Execution Environment setting that pointed to my 1.7 JDK that I had installed. I'm sure there's a way to have it do this by default, so you don't have to configure each targets run configuration, but this method should fix the immediate problem.