The major problem with Liam Wiltshire's answer is the performance because:
reset($items) rewind the pointer of $items collection again and again at each loop... always with then same result.
Both $item and the result of reset($item) are objects, so $item == reset($items) requires a full comparison of its attributes... demanding more processor time.
A more efficient and elegant way to do that -as Shannon suggests- is to use the Blade's $loop variable:
@foreach($items as $item)
@if ($loop->first) First Item: @endif
<h4>{{ $item->program_name }}</h4>
If you want to apply a special format to the first element, then maybe you could do something like (using the ternary conditional operator ?: ):
@foreach($items as $item)
<h4 {!! $loop->first ? 'class="special"': '' !!}>{{ $item->program_name }}</h4>
Note the use of {!!
and !!}
tags instead of {{
notation to avoid html encoding of the double quotes around of special string.