I know I am a bit late to the party, but for people who want to solve this with pure CSS, without using a directive you can make a css class like this:
select.blueSelect option[value="false"]{
This css rule says : Find all elements with value = false with tag name 'option' inside every 'select' that has a class "blueSelect" and make the text color #01aac7; (a shade of blue)
In your case your HTML will look like this:
<select class="form-control blueSelect" name="persons" id="persons1"
ng-options="person as person.name for person in $ctrl.persons track by person.Eligible"
ng-model="$ctrl.selectedPerson" required>
<option disabled selected value="">Default value</option>
The track by inside the ng-options is what will hold what to track the options by, or the "value" field of each option. Notice that depending on your project needs , you might have to do some tweaking to make this work as per your requirements.
But that's not going to work right when there's multiple options with the same value for the Eligible field. So to make this work, we create a compound expression to track by, that way we can have unique values to track by in each option. In this case we combine both fields Name and Eligible
So now our html will look like this
<select class="form-control blueSelect" name="persons" id="persons2"
ng-options="person as person.name for person in $ctrl.persons track by (person.name + person.Eligible)"
ng-model="$ctrl.selectedPerson" required>
<option disabled selected value="">Default value</option>
and our css :
select.blueSelect option[value*="False"]{
Notice the * next to value, this is a regular expression which means to find the word "False" somewhere in the value field of the option element.
Quick Edit
You can also choose to disable the options with Eligible = False using the "disable when" in the ng-options expression , for example:
label disable when disable for value in array track by trackexpr
I'll leave how to use that in your case for you to find out ;-)
This works for simple css modifications, for more complex stuff you might need a directive or other methods. Tested in chrome.
I hope this helps someone out there. :-)