Instead of writing a custom constraint function, you can construct a scipy.optimize.LinearConstraint
object and pass it as the constraint. Its construction asks for upper and lower bounds; also, the vector of independent variables has to have the same length as the variable length passed to the objective function, so the constraint such as t[0] + t[1] = 1
should be reformulated as follows (because t
is length 4 as can be seen from its manipulation in matr_t()
Also minimize
optimizes over the real space, so the restriction of t[i]
being real is already embedded into the algorithm. Then the complete code becomes:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, LinearConstraint
def matr_t(t):
return np.array([[t[0], 0],[t[2]+complex(0,1)*t[3], t[1]]])
def target(t):
arr2 = matr_t(t)
ret = 0
for i, v1 in enumerate(arr):
for j, v2 in enumerate(v1):
ret += abs(arr[i][j]-arr2[i][j])**2
return ret
arr = np.array([[0.8, 0.2],[-0.1, 0.14]])
linear_constraint = LinearConstraint([[1, 1, 0, 0]], [1], [1])
result = minimize(target, x0=[0.5, 0.5, 0, 0], constraints=[linear_constraint])
x_opt = result.x # array([ 0.83, 0.17, -0.1 , 0.])
minimum = # 0.0418
For a more involved example, let's use a common problem in economics, Cobb-Douglas utility maximization as an illustrative example. This is actually a constrained maximization problem but because minimize
is a minimization function, it has to be coerced into a minimization problem (just negate the objective function). Also in order to pass the constraints as a scipy.optimize.LinearConstraint
object, we have to write them to have lower and upper bounds. So the optimization problem is as follows:
In this function, there are two variables x
and y
; the rest are all hyperparameters that have to be externally supplied (alpha, beta, px
, py
and B
). Among them only alpha and beta are parameters of the objective function, so they must be passed to it through args=
argument of minimize
in the example below).
The optimization problem solves for x
and y
values where the objective function attains its minimum value given the constraint. They must be passed as a single object (variables
in the function below) to the objective function. As mentioned before, we must pass an educated guess for these variables (x
and y
of the objective function) in order for the algorithm to converge.
from scipy.optimize import minimize, LinearConstraint
def obj_func(variables, hyperparams):
x, y = variables
alpha, beta = hyperparams
return - x**alpha * y**beta
B, px, py, alphas = 30, 2, 5, [1/3, 2/3]
linear_constraint = LinearConstraint([[px, py], [1, 0], [0, 1]], [-np.inf, 0, 0], [B, np.inf, np.inf])
result = minimize(obj_func, x0=[1, 1], args=alphas, constraints=[linear_constraint])
x_opt, y_opt = result.x # 4.9996, 4.0001
optimum = # -4.3088
are the minimizers and
is the local minimum.
Cobb-Douglas has a closed form solution where for the example input, the correct solution is (x_opt, y_opt) = (5, 4)
. The result of minimize
is not quite equal to that but since minimize
is an iterative algorithm, this is as close as it got before it stopped.
is zero, since we're only comparing it to real 1, but my edit shows a more explicit constraint. – Warmup