Rather than (or in addition to) focusing on bruteforcing the login endpoint, I think forgot password flow deserves some attention.
Forgot password email contains a 6-digit code that can be used to set new password.
This code is valid for 1 hour. User Pools code validity resource quotas.
In my tests I could make 5 attempts to set new password within an hour for a single user before throttling came into effect (LimitExceededException: Attempt limit exceeded, please try after some time.
Now, if I do the math correctly, there are 1000000 possible values for a code (from my tests I never saw codes starting with 0
so there may be less). You have 5 attempts/hr to guess the code. So each hour you have 5/1000000*100=0.0005%
chance to succeed with resetting the password without knowing the code.
Is this a small chance? It seems so.
Considering a large-scale attack bruteforcing multiple users with retries concurrently should I sleep well at night? I don't know!
To solve the issue once and for all, why can't Cognito use longer codes that are hard to guess (I want to sleep well at night). Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the same codes mechanism is used in text messages. I wish there was an official comment.