I'm trying to build a C application through cross compiling for a Zynq board (ARM architecture). When I type make without mentioning the ARM arch, it works fine on my laptop. But as soon as I modify the Makefile, I get an error saying:
main.c:20:43: fatal error: sqlite3.h: No such file or directory
#include "sqlite3.h" //library for sqlite3
compilation terminated.
make: *** [ws_temp_server] Error 1
The Makefile looks like this:
SOURCE=lib/base64_enc.c lib/websocket.c lib/sha1.c lib/sqlite/sqlite3.c main.c
CC = arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc
LDFLAGS=-lpthread -ldl
all: $(PROGRAM)
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help I can get.