Is there any way I can read the content of a jar file. I want to read the manifest file in order to find the creator of the jar file and version. Is there any way to achieve it?
Next code should help:
JarInputStream jarStream = new JarInputStream(stream);
Manifest mf = jarStream.getManifest();
Exception handling is left for you :)
I would suggest to make following:
Package aPackage = MyClassName.class.getPackage();
String implementationVersion = aPackage.getImplementationVersion();
String implementationVendor = aPackage.getImplementationVendor();
Where MyClassName can be any class from your application written by you.
). Sadly, this failed to work for me on unpacked classes, though the manifest is in 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'. –
Fairhaired You could use something like this:
public static String getManifestInfo() {
Enumeration resEnum;
try {
resEnum = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
while (resEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
URL url = (URL)resEnum.nextElement();
InputStream is = url.openStream();
if (is != null) {
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(is);
Attributes mainAttribs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
String version = mainAttribs.getValue("Implementation-Version");
if(version != null) {
return version;
catch (Exception e) {
// Silently ignore wrong manifests on classpath?
} catch (IOException e1) {
// Silently ignore wrong manifests on classpath?
return null;
To get the manifest attributes, you could iterate over the variable "mainAttribs" or directly retrieve your required attribute if you know the key.
This code loops through every jar on the classpath and reads the MANIFEST of each. If you know the name of the jar you may want to only look at the URL if it contains() the name of the jar you are interested in.
I implemented an AppVersion class according to some ideas from stackoverflow, here I just share the entire class:
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AppVersion {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppVersion.class);
private static String version;
public static String get() {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(version)) {
Class<?> clazz = AppVersion.class;
String className = clazz.getSimpleName() + ".class";
String classPath = clazz.getResource(className).toString();
if (!classPath.startsWith("jar")) {
// Class not from JAR
String relativePath = clazz.getName().replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class";
String classFolder = classPath.substring(0, classPath.length() - relativePath.length() - 1);
String manifestPath = classFolder + "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
log.debug("manifestPath={}", manifestPath);
version = readVersionFrom(manifestPath);
} else {
String manifestPath = classPath.substring(0, classPath.lastIndexOf("!") + 1) + "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
log.debug("manifestPath={}", manifestPath);
version = readVersionFrom(manifestPath);
return version;
private static String readVersionFrom(String manifestPath) {
Manifest manifest = null;
try {
manifest = new Manifest(new URL(manifestPath).openStream());
Attributes attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
String implementationVersion = attrs.getValue("Implementation-Version");
implementationVersion = StringUtils.replace(implementationVersion, "-SNAPSHOT", "");
log.debug("Read Implementation-Version: {}", implementationVersion);
String implementationBuild = attrs.getValue("Implementation-Build");
log.debug("Read Implementation-Build: {}", implementationBuild);
String version = implementationVersion;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(implementationBuild)) {
version = StringUtils.join(new String[] { implementationVersion, implementationBuild }, '.');
return version;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return StringUtils.EMPTY;
Basically, this class can read version information from the manifest of its own JAR file, or the manifest in it's classes folder. And hopefully it works on different platforms, but I only tested it on Mac OS X so far.
I hope this would be useful for someone else.
Achieve the attributes in this simple way
public static String getMainClasFromJarFile(String jarFilePath) throws Exception{
// Path example: "C:\\Users\\GIGABYTE\\.m2\\repository\\domolin\\DeviceTest\\1.0-SNAPSHOT\\DeviceTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar";
JarInputStream jarStream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarFilePath));
Manifest mf = jarStream.getManifest();
Attributes attributes = mf.getMainAttributes();
// Manifest-Version: 1.0
// Built-By: GIGABYTE
// Created-By: Apache Maven 3.0.5
// Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_144
// Main-Class: domolin.devicetest.DeviceTest
String mainClass = attributes.getValue("Main-Class");
//String mainClass = attributes.getValue("Created-By");
// Output: domolin.devicetest.DeviceTest
return mainClass;
You can use a utility class Manifests
from jcabi-manifests:
final String value ="My-Version");
The class will find all MANIFEST.MF
files available in classpath and read the attribute you're looking for from one of them. Also, read this:
, which may be what I've suggested, however that method isn't appearing in the version I'm using (1.1 - the latest at this date on MvnRepository). The answer has the solution that worked to retrieve all Manifests. –
Emileeemili - read version;
- we copied MANIFEST.MF from jar to user home.
public void processManifestFile() {
String version = this.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion();"Version: {}", version);
Path targetFile = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), "my-project", "MANIFEST.MF");
try {
URL url = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(url.getFile());
Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
try(FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile.toFile())) {
manifest.getMainAttributes().entrySet().stream().forEach( x -> {
try {
fw.write(x.getKey() + ": " + x.getValue() + "\n");"{}: {}", x.getKey(), x.getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("error in write manifest, {}", e.getMessage());
}"Copy MANIFEST.MF to {}", targetFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error in processing MANIFEST.MF file", e);
Keep it simple. A JAR
is also a ZIP
so any ZIP
code can be used to read the MAINFEST.MF
public static String readManifest(String sourceJARFile) throws IOException
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(sourceJARFile);
Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
ZipEntry zipEntry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();
if (zipEntry.getName().equals("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))
return toString(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry));
throw new IllegalStateException("Manifest not found");
private static String toString(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)))
String line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)
return stringBuilder.toString().trim() + System.lineSeparator();
Despite the flexibility, for just reading data this answer is the best.
I'm surprised that no one else proposed this solution:
File jar = ...;
try (JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jar)) {
Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
// ...
If all you need is version, use this:
public class Version {
public static final String ver=Version.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
}//use as Version.ver
object Version{
}//use as Version.ver
There are also implementationVendor
and implementationTitle
. Similarly for specification*
To read the manifest itself, obtain it as an InputStream
via ClassLoader
, then initialize a Manifest
public class DemoJava{
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (var ins = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)) {
if (ins != null) {
for(var entry:new Manifest(ins).getMainAttributes().entrySet()){
} catch (Exception e) {
fun main() {
ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)?.use {
Manifest(it).mainAttributes.forEach { println(it) }
Reading the manifest also allows reading custom attributes e.g. release branch commit ids (if they were added).
To read the jar itself, obtain its location using CodeSource
, then initializa a JarFile
object, e.g.:
public class DemoJava{
public static void main(String[] args) {
var location = DemoJava.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
if (location != null) {
try (var jarFile = new JarFile(location.toURI().getPath())) {
for(var entry:jarFile.getManifest().getMainAttributes().entrySet()){
} catch (Exception e) {
object DummyClass
fun main(){ {
JarFile(it).manifest.mainAttributes.forEach { println(it) }
Note: In an IDE environment, the code may run from the IDE's build directory instead of from a packaged jar/built artifact, in which case some of the above methods (or other answers here) may yield wrong results. Use your IDE's artifacts/publication's to locate the jar.
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