I am trying to implement DHE_DSS into go's crypto/tls package. Unfortunately I can not seem to get the PreMasterSecret (Z) to be the same, my basic workflow is:
Receive Server Key Exchange Message
- Extract P, G, Ys
- Verify using the digital signature provided
Prepare Client Key Exchange Message
- Create client's Xc
- Generate Yc (Yc = G^Xc % P)
- Generate Z (Z = Ys^Xc % P)
- Send back Yc, packed like so:
ckx := make([]byte, len(yC)+2)
ckx[0] = byte(len(Yc)>>8)
ckx[1] = byte(len(Yc))
copy(ckx[2:], yBytes)
However, when I am debugging this with gnutls-serv the two PreMasterSecrets (Z) are different. Do I need to sign the returned Yc, or perhaps pack it in another way? I can not see anything in RFC 5246 to suggest this.
<-- EDIT -->
Here is a patch of my changes: