My solution is as follows:
set stl=%f%h%m%r\ %{Options()}%=%l,%c-%v\ %{line('$')}
fu! PlusOpt(opt)
let option = a:opt
if option
return "+"
return "-"
fu! Options()
let opt="ic".PlusOpt(&ic)
let opt=opt." ".&ff
let opt=opt." ".&ft
if &ft==?"cpp" || &ft==?"perl"
let text = " {" . FindCurrentFunction() . "}"
let opt= opt.text
return opt
fu! FindCurrentFunction()
let text =''
let save_cursor = getpos(".")
let opening_brace = searchpair('{','','}','bWr', '', '', 100)
if opening_brace > 0
let oldmagic = &magic
let &magic = 1
let operators='operator\s*\%((\s*)\|\[]\|[+*/%^&|~!=<>-]=\?\|[<>&|+-]\{2}\|>>=\|<<=\|->\*\|,\|->\|(\s*)\)\s*'
let class_func_string = '\(\([[:alpha:]_]\w*\)\s*::\s*\)*\s*\%(\~\2\|'.operators
let class_func_string = class_func_string . '\|[[:alpha:]_]\w*\)\ze\s*('
let searchstring = '\_^\S.\{-}\%('.operators
let searchstring = searchstring.'\|[[:alpha:]_]\w*\)\s*(.*\n\%(\_^\s.*\n\)*\_^{'
let l = search(searchstring, 'bW', line(".")-20 )
if l != 0
let line_text = getline(l)
let matched_text = matchstr(line_text, class_func_string)
let matched_text = substitute(matched_text, '\s', '', 'g')
let text = matched_text
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
let &magic = oldmagic
return text
I'm actually attempting to match the C/C++/Java allowed names for functions. This generally works for me (including for overloaded operators) but assumes that the opening { is at column 0 on a line by itself.
I just noticed today that it fails if included in a namespace {}, even if otherwise formatted as expected.