I had two issues with how browsers force their password behavior on you when working on a support-only login page within a regular page (the support login should never be saved):
- The browser will recommend a login from the rest of the page which gets in the way.
- The browser will ask to save the entered tech password.
So I combined two solutions I found on various stackoverflow posts and thought I'd post them here. I'm using jQuery, but the principle can be translated into regular JavaScript as well.
First, have your password field start as a text field and have JavaScript change it later - this gives a decent chance that the browser won't offer a saved password.
Second, just before submitting the form, set the password form back to being a text field, but hide it first so the password can't be seen. This could be made to look prettier by adding another text field when the password field disappears, but that's cosmetic only.
<form id="techForm" action="...">
<input type="text" id="username" name="username">
<input type="text" id="password" name="password"> <!-- this needs to start as a text field -->
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#password').on('focus', function()
$(this).prop('type', password'); // this stops pre-saved password offers
$('#techForm').on('submit', function()
$('#password').hide().prop('type', 'text'); // this prevents saving
This worked for me on Firefox and Chrome as of 9/12/2017.
is a bad idea, and that's just that. You cannot get around the problem because the Chrome people explicitly don't want you to. More info. – Subservience