You can't find this source because the source is automatically generated by bazel. If you build from source, you'll see this file inside bazel-genfiles
. It's also present in your local distribution which you can find using inspect
module. The file contains automatically generated Python wrappers to underlying C++ implementations, so it basically consists of a bunch of 1-line functions. A shortcut to find underlying C++ implementation of such generated Python op is to convert snake case to camel case, ie conv2d_backprop_input
-> Conv2dBackpropInput
# figure out where gen_nn_ops is
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_nn_ops
import inspect
If you cared to find out how this file really came about, you could follow the trail of bazel dependencies in BUILD
files. It to find Bazel target that generated it from tensorflow source tree:
fullname=$(bazel query tensorflow/python/ops/
bazel query "attr('srcs', $fullname, ${fullname//:*/}:*)"
So now going to BUILD
file inside tensorflow/python
you see that this is a target of type tf_gen_op_wrapper_private_py
which is defined here and calls gen_op_wrapper_py
from tensorflow/tensorflow.bzl
which looks like this
def tf_gen_op_wrapper_py(name, out=None, hidden=None, visibility=None, deps=[],
name = tool_name,
This native.cc_binary
construct is a way to have Bazel target that represents execution of an arbitrary command. In this case it calls tool_name
with some arguments. With a couple more steps you can find that "tool" here is compiled from framework/
The reason for this complication is that TensorFlow was designed to be language agnostic. So in ideal world you would have each op described in ops.pbtxt, and then each op would have one implementation per hardware type using REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER
, so all implementations would be done in C++/CUDA/Assembly and become automatically available to all language front-ends. There would be an equivalent translator op like "python_op_gen_main" for every language and all client library code would be automatically generated. However, because Python is so dominant, there was pressure to add features on the Python side. So now there are two kinds of ops -- pure TensorFlow ops seen in files like
, and Python-only ops in files like
which typically wrap ops automatically generated files
but add extra features/syntax sugar. Also, originally all names were camel-case, but it was decided that public facing release should be PEP compliant with more common Python syntax, so this is a reason for camel-case/snake-case mismatch between C++/Python interfaces of same op