Like the first answer and instead of adding the variable to a .env file which can be forgotten, do this instead.
This way, if you try to run the file in production, you'll get an assertion error to remind you to actually use a dedicated web server (which "imports" the app). If you run locally, not only will you be reminded to use a .env file, but in the case no environment file is needed, the flask env is set to development to avoid any production conflicts.
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
IS_DEV = app.env == 'development' # FLASK_ENV env. variable
# code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# guaranteed to not be run on a production server
assert os.path.exists('.env') # for other environment variables...
os.environ['FLASK_ENV'] = 'development' # HARD CODE since default is production
to my .flaskenv file and that fixed the issue. I didnt need to create a config file, i assume flask is already configured to load the .flaskenv before the main module. – Smack