I use an extension function for this that works similarly to SatisfyRespectively()
public static class FluentAssertionsExt {
public static AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions> Satisfy(
this ObjectAssertions parent,
Action<MyClass> inspector) {
return new AndConstraint<ObjectAssertions>(parent);
Here is how I use it:
[TestMethod] public void FindsMethodGeneratedForLambda() =>
Method(x => x.Lambda())
.CollectGeneratedMethods(visited: empty)
.Should().Satisfy(m => m.Name.Should().Match("<Lambda>*"))
.And.Satisfy(m => m.DeclaringType.Name.Should().Be("<>c"));
[TestMethod] public void FindsMethodGeneratedForClosure() =>
Method(x => x.Closure(0))
.CollectGeneratedMethods(visited: empty)
fst => fst.Should()
.Satisfy(m => m.Name.Should().Be(".ctor"))
.And.Satisfy(m => m.DeclaringType.Name.Should().Match("<>c__DisplayClass*")),
snd => snd.Should()
.Satisfy(m => m.Name.Should().Match("<Closure>*"))
.And.Satisfy(m => m.DeclaringType.Name.Should().Match("<>c__DisplayClass*")));
Unfortunately this doesn't generalize very well due to FluentAssertions' design, so you might have to provide multiple overloads of this method with different types in place of MyClass
I think the truly correct way however is to implement an *Assertions
type for the type you want to run such assertions against. The documentation provides an example:
public static class DirectoryInfoExtensions
public static DirectoryInfoAssertions Should(this DirectoryInfo instance)
return new DirectoryInfoAssertions(instance);
public class DirectoryInfoAssertions :
ReferenceTypeAssertions<DirectoryInfo, DirectoryInfoAssertions>
public DirectoryInfoAssertions(DirectoryInfo instance)
Subject = instance;
protected override string Identifier => "directory";
public AndConstraint<DirectoryInfoAssertions> ContainFile(
string filename, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
.BecauseOf(because, becauseArgs)
.FailWith("You can't assert a file exist if you don't pass a proper name")
.Given(() => Subject.GetFiles())
.ForCondition(files => files.Any(fileInfo => fileInfo.Name.Equals(filename)))
.FailWith("Expected {context:directory} to contain {0}{reason}, but found {1}.",
_ => filename, files => files.Select(file => file.Name));
return new AndConstraint<DirectoryInfoAssertions>(this);