I'm using firebase for a project and am working on creating a schedule function using the following code. I want to log a message every minute this runs.
export const timedQuery = functions.pubsub.schedule('1 * * * *').onRun((context) => {
console.log("I am running")
return null;
I have the main logic of the code working under an http function and would like to see if this works locally before deploying to production. Going through firebase docs I've downloaded all of the firebase emulators and use "firebase emulators:start" to get them running. From the logs it looks like my pubsub emulator starts successfully at localhost:8085 and pubsub function is initialized however even after waiting for 2 - 3 minutes nothing prints out. Is it possible to test scheduled functions locally?
Also I created this without using google cloud scheduler since I'm only on firebase.