What is the general practice of setting the initial state of the app with isomorphic applications? Without Flux I would simple use something like:
var props = { }; // initial state
var html = React.renderToString(MyComponent(props);
Then render that markup via express-handlebars and display via {{{reactMarkup}}
On the client-side to set the initial state I would do something like this:
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
var props = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('props').innerHTML);
React.render(MyComponent(props), document.getElementById('reactMarkup'));
So yes essentially you are setting the state twice, on server and client, however React will compare the differences and in most cases so it won't impact the performance by re-rendering.
How would this principle work when you have actions and stores in the Flux architecture? Inside my component I could do:
getInitialState: function() {
return AppStore.getAppState();
But now how do I set the initial state in the AppStore from the server? If I use React.renderToString
with no passed properties it will call AppStore.getAppState()
which won't have anything in it because I still don't understand how would I set the state in my store on the server?
Update Feb. 5, 2015
I am still looking for a clean solution that does not involve using third-party Flux implementations like Fluxible, Fluxxor, Reflux.
Update Aug. 19, 2016
Use Redux.