I quite often come across data that is structured something like this:
employees <- list(
list(id = 1,
dept = "IT",
age = 29,
sportsteam = "softball"),
list(id = 2,
dept = "IT",
age = 30,
sportsteam = NULL),
list(id = 3,
dept = "IT",
age = 29,
sportsteam = "hockey"),
list(id = 4,
dept = NULL,
age = 29,
sportsteam = "softball"))
In many cases such lists could be tens of millions of items long, so memory concerns and efficiency are always a concern.
I would like to turn the list into a dataframe but if I run:
employee.df <- rbindlist(employees)
I get errors because of the NULL values. My normal strategy is to use a function like:
nullToNA <- function(x) {
x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA
and then:
employees <- lapply(employees, nullToNA)
employee.df <- rbindlist(employees)
which returns
id dept age sportsteam
1: 1 IT 29 softball
2: 2 IT 30 NA
3: 3 IT 29 hockey
4: 4 NA 29 softball
However, the nullToNA function is very slow when applied to 10 million cases so it'd be good if there was a more efficient approach.
One point that seems to slow the process down it the is.null function can only be applied to one item at a time (unlike is.na which can scan a full list in one go).
Any advice on how to do this operation efficiently on a large dataset?
– SildenXML::readHTMLTable()
), and the NULL cells are simply 0-length character strings, use the following:df <- data.frame(apply(df, c(1,2), FUN=function(x) ifelse(x=="",NA,x)))
– Athlete