The other answers are correct but miss the reason for the underlying problem.
When a radio button is checked the first event sent is the change from the unchecked item
however if you check its state by its control name you will still see its old checked status because the form has not been updated yet. To see its true status you need to cast the sender object.
This allows you to perform any actions relating to the condition which is being deselected should you need to do so.
In the not uncommon scenario below multiple radio buttons are sent to the same handler event.
Simply checking the state of the sender for checked will not work here as we need to perform different actions depending on which radio button has been pressed.
So first we ignore any sender that has just been unchecked.
then we identify the checked sender by control name to process the correct action.
private void ModeChangedExample(object sender, EventArgs e)
// multiple radio buttons come here
// We only want to process the checked item.
// if you need to something based on the item which was just unchecked don't use this technique.
// The state of the sender has not been updated yet in the form.
// so checking against rdo_A check state will still show it as checked even if it has just been unchecked
// only the sender variable is up to date at this point.
// To prevent processing the item which has just been uncheked
RadioButton RD = sender as RadioButton;
if (RD.Checked == false) return;
if (rdo_A.Name == RD.Name)
//Do stuff
if (rdo_B..Name == RD.Name)
// Do other stuff
if (rdo_C.Name == RD.Name)
// Do something else