I have used the Patel Vishal's solution and customized it to my needs.
It's a generic class which makes sure only one instance of mapping is saved in memory per object mapping.
- TModel - is a DTO object
- TData - is a Database table object in Entity Framework
- DTO.IBaseModel - is a base class for DTO object which has one property: ID
- IBaseModel - is a base class for the entity framework database entity with ID property only
public static class ObjectMapper<TModel, TData>
where TModel : class, DTO.IBaseModel, new()
where TData : class, IBaseModel, new()
private static readonly MapperConfiguration _mapperConfiguration;
public static IMapper Mapper => new Mapper(_mapperConfiguration);
static ObjectMapper()
_mapperConfiguration ??= CreateMap();
private static MapperConfiguration CreateMap()
return new (cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<TData, TModel>();
I am using this class in a BaseService<TData, TModel> (Service/Repository pattern) as such:
public virtual TModel Convert(TData t)
return ObjectMapper<TModel, TData>.Mapper.Map<TModel>(t);
As you can see, it's a virtual method. Mapping can be overwritten, if customization required by the inheriting Service.