I have many points on Google Maps
and I want to show for each point the nearest city (so a reverse geocoding).
I have a multidimensional array like this:
citta_vicine = [];
var comuni = [
["Abano Terme (PD)",45.3594,11.7894],
["Abbadia Cerreto (LO)",45.3122,9.5928],
["Abbadia Lariana (LC)",45.8992,9.3336],
["Abbadia San Salvatore (SI)",42.8800,11.6775],
["Abbasanta (OR)",40.1250,8.8200]
//city, latitude, longitude
The problem is that my array has all city of Italy (8000 !) and is 300 Kb.
To get nearest city i can use this:
//this line will be inside for loop of points
var city_near= estrapola_paese(50,lat,lng); //lat and lng are coordinates of these points
function estrapola_paese(distanza,latB,longB){
citta_vicine = [];
for(var i= 0; i < comuni.length; i++){
var dist_eqcity= dist_coords(comuni[i][1],comuni[i][2],latB,longB);
if(dist_eqcity < distanza){
citta_vicine.push([dist_eqcity, comuni[i][0]]);
if(citta_vicine.length > 0){
citta_vicine.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
return citta_vicine[0][1];
distanza = distanza+50;
//calculate distance in Km between city and "point"
function dist_coords(latA,longA,latB,longB) {
var R = 6372.795477598;
var laA = latA * Math.PI/180;
var laB = latB * Math.PI/180;
var loA = longA * Math.PI/180;
var loB = longB * Math.PI/180;
var distanza = R * Math.acos(Math.sin(laA)*Math.sin(laB) + Math.cos(laA)*Math.cos(laB) * Math.cos(loA-loB));
if(isNaN(distanza) == true){
distanza = 0;
return distanza;
In short, for a question of performance, I consider (at first) only cities within a radius of 50 km from the point. If there are cities within 50 km, I add the city (and the distance) in the "citta_vicine" array and order the latter array from the lowest to the highest value. Therefore from the city closest to the most distant.
If instead there are no cities within 50 km then I perform the function "estrapola_paese" again but increase the radius to be considered of another 50 km.
I think CODE WORKS but I have many doubts:
1) The file weighs 459 KB: is it too much?
2) Is there a better way to do all this?
3) sorting of array citta_vicine
is correct?
If is not empty is like this:
using this:
citta_vicine.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
i will have this output:
I hope you can help me and sorry for my English.