I have to implement certain business rules with hundreds of lines of below code:
if this
then this
else if
then this
. // hundreds of lines of rules
Do we have any design pattern which can effectively implement this or reuse the code so that it can be applied to all different rules? I heard of Specification Pattern which creates something like the below:
public interface Specification {
boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object o);
Specification and(Specification specification);
Specification or(Specification specification);
Specification not(Specification specification);
public abstract class AbstractSpecification implements Specification {
public abstract boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object o);
public Specification and(final Specification specification) {
return new AndSpecification(this, specification);
public Specification or(final Specification specification) {
return new OrSpecification(this, specification);
public Specification not(final Specification specification) {
return new NotSpecification(specification);
And then the implementation of Is, And, Or methods but I think this cannot save me from writing the if-else (maybe my understanding is incorrect)...
Is there any best approach to implement such business rules having so many if-else statements?
EDIT: Just a sample example. A, B, C, etc are properties of a class. Apart from these, there are a similar lot of other rules. I want to make a generic code for this.
If <A> = 'something' and <B> = ‘something’ then
If <C> = ‘02’ and <D> <> ‘02’ and < E> <> ‘02’ then
Else if <H> <> ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> <> ‘02’ then
Else if <H> <> ‘02’ and <I> <> ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’ then
Else if <H> <> ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’ then
Else if <H> = ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> <> ‘02’ then
Else if <H> = ‘02’ and <I> <> ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’ then
Else if <H> = ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’ then:
If <Q> = Y then
Else then
Else :
Value of <Z>