I seem to be running into a peculiar problem on Android 1.5 when a library I'm using (signpost 1.1-SNAPSHOT), makes two consecutive connections to a remote server. The second connection always fails with a HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode()
of -1
Here's a testcase that exposes the problem:
public void testDefaultOAuthConsumerAndroidBug() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
final HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("https://api.tripit.com/oauth/request_token").openConnection();
final DefaultOAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer(api_key, api_secret, SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1);
consumer.sign(c); // This line...
final InputStream is = c.getInputStream();
while( is.read() >= 0 ) ; // ... in combination with this line causes responseCode -1 for i==1 when using api.tripit.com but not mail.google.com
assertTrue(c.getResponseCode() > 0);
Basically, if I sign the request and then consume the entire input stream, the next request will fail with a resultcode of -1. The failure doesn't seem to happen if I just read one character from the input stream.
Note that this doesn't happen for any url -- just specific urls such as the one above.
Also, if I switch to using HttpClient instead of HttpURLConnection, everything works fine:
public void testCommonsHttpOAuthConsumerAndroidBug() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
final HttpGet c = new HttpGet("https://api.tripit.com/oauth/request_token");
final CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer(api_key, api_secret, SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1);
final HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpClient().execute(c);
final InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
while( is.read() >= 0 ) ;
assertTrue( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200);
I've found references to what seems to be a similar problem elsewhere, but so far no solutions. If they're truly the same problem, then the problem probably isn't with signpost since the other references make no reference to it.
Any ideas?
System.setProperty("http.keepAlive", "false")
at the beginning of the testcase completely solves the problem. Any suggestions on how to do the http trace? Do I need to use a logging proxy, or is there something I can do on the client directly? – Jonis