My recommendation is that you take direct control over the process and set up your own high-quality random number generator. None of the answers here have been properly tested or validated - and that is an important criterion that needs to be taken into account.
High-quality random number generators can be made for large periods even on 16-bit and 32-bit machines by just running several of them in parallel - subject to certain preconditions. This is described, in further depth, here
P.L'Ecuyer, ‟Efficient and portable combined random number generators”, CACM 31(6), June 1988, 742-751.
with testing & validation results also provided. Accessible versions of the article can be found on the net.
For a 32-bit implementation the recommendation issued there was to take M₀ = 1 + 2×3×7×631×81031 (= 2³¹ - 85) and M₁ = 1 + 2×19×31×1019×1789 (= 2³¹ - 249) to produce a random number generator of period (M₀ - 1)(M₁ - 1)/2 ≡ 2×3×7×19×31×631×1019×1789×81031 ≡ 2⁶¹ - 360777242114. They also posted a recommendation for 16-bit CPU's.
The seeds are updated as (S₀, S₁) ← ((A₀×S₀) mod M₀, (A₁×S₁) mod M₁), and a 32-bit value may be produced from this as S₀ - S₁ with the result adjusted upward by M₀ - 1 if S₀ ≤ S₁. If (S₀, S₁) is initialized to integer values in the interval [0,M₀)×[0,M₁), then it remains in that interval with each update. You'll have to modify the output value to suit your needs, since their version is specifically geared toward producing strictly positive results; and no 0's.
The preconditions are that (M₀ - 1)/2 and (M₁ - 1)/2 be relatively prime and that A₀² < M₀, A₁² < M₁; and the values (A₀, A₁) = (40014, 40692) were recommended, based on their analysis. Also listed were optimized routines that allow all the computations to be done with 16-bit or 32-bit arithmetic.
For 32-bits the updates were done as (S₀, S₁) ← (A₀×(S₀ - K₀×Q₀) - K₀×R₀, A₁×(S₁ - K₁×Q₁) - K₁×R₁) with any S₀ < 0 or S₁ < 0 results adjusted upward, respectively, to S₀ + M₀ or S₁ + M₁; where (K₀, K₁) = (S₀ div Q₀, S₁ div Q₁), (Q₀, Q₁) = (M₀ div A₀, M₁ div A₁) and (R₀, R₁) = (M₀ mod A₀, M₁ mod A₁).
has a period ofRAND_MAX
which is generally 2^16-1, no amount of seeding will fix that, better to use a higher quality PRNG. – Endoskeleton