Wikipedia Category Hierarchy from dumps
Asked Answered



Using Wikipedia's dumps I want to build a hierarchy for its categories. I have downloaded the main dump (enwiki-latest-pages-articles) and the category SQL dump (enwiki-latest-category). But I can't find the hierarchy information.

For example, the SQL categories' dump has entries for each category but I can't find anything about how they relate to each other.

The other dump (latest-pages-articles) says the parent categories for each page but in an unordered way. It just states all the parents.

I have seen wikiprep's category hierarchy ( How is that one constructed? Wikiprep lists the category ID, not its name. Is there a way to get the name for each ID?

Spector answered 2/7, 2013 at 17:42 Comment(1)
Above link is not working.Baltazar

The category hierarchy information in MediaWiki is stored in the categorylinks table, so you're going to need the categorylinks dump.

You're also going to need the page (not pages-articles) dump for page id to title mapping.

Jointer answered 2/7, 2013 at 19:6 Comment(16)
Thanks! Been looking for that all night! When you said "page" you mean this one enwiki-latest-page.sql.gz? (
@Spector Yeah, that's the one.Jointer
sorry for bothering again with this theme, I am working on it, but not getting what I expected as a result. Is this correct: From categoryLinks I get the pageId and it's categories. Some pages will also be categories, so connecting all links should result in a hierarchy of categories?Spector
I'm trying to do the same thing, but maybe the categorylinks schema has changed. It no longer has a pageId column. categorylinks now has [cl_from,cl_to,cl_sortkey,cl_timestamp,cl_sortkey_prefix,cl_collation,cl_type]. How can I build the hierarchy from this?Injury
@Injury If you look at the documentation for categorylinks, you'll see that the page_id is stored in the cl_from column (and always was).Jointer
@Jointer thank you. So categorylinks.cl_from = page.page_id. Where do I go from there? Let's take, for example, page_id=12, which is "Anarchism". There are 19 categorylinks where cl_from=12. The cl_to is a text field [Anarchism, Anti-capitalism,Anti-fascism,...]. How do I find the parent or child categories/pages?Injury
@Injury Find the page_id for the page with page_title = 'Category:Anarchism' and then look that up in categorylinks etc.Jointer
@Jointer Am I suppose to look up the cl_to values in category.cat_title? The issue is not all of the cl_to values are in category.cat_title. For example, there is a category.cat_title=Anarchism but none for Anti-capitalism. And it just seems odd they didn't list the category.cat_id insteadInjury
@Jointer In my 34M page table, there is not page_title='Category:Anarchism'. There are 9 entries where page_title='Anarchism' however. Do I have the wrong page table, maybe?Injury
@Jointer In fact, I only have 12 entries in page where page_title LIKE 'Category:%'Injury
@Injury 34MB? page.sql.gz for the English Wikipedia is 1 GB. Maybe you downloaded it for different wiki? And you don't need the category table at all (notice that I never mentioned it), and especially not the cat_id (it's not related to page_id).Jointer
Let us continue this discussion in chat.Jointer
@fersarr: Could you kindly let me know how you created the hierarchy?Ginaginder
Is there a way to obtain all the subcategories and pages from a Category using those dumps, or do I need more sql tables? @JointerIndividually
Since the OP has closed the chat.. here's how you can determine which categories are hidden :- "The status of hidden categories is stored in the page props table as the property "hiddencat" in pp_propname" P.S. Wikimedia has excellent description of all its tables :-
I needed the page and categorylink tables joined, so I used Quarry. Here's the result: It has three columns: from, to, and relation. However, this only includes categories (no page categories), so all the relations are subcat.Roxie

Loading the dump of category links etc... to build a wikipedia hierarchy is very long (even if interesting).

I found fast path that give good result. I rely on wikipedia vital articles hierarchy. See for instance, sensimark for an example use.

Buchholz answered 14/9, 2018 at 9:41 Comment(0)

How the data is encoded

You need two tables:

The way things are linked up is:

  • categorylinks.cl_from (integer) points to the page.page_id (unique integer) of the child page or category
  • categorylinks.cl_to (text) points to the page.page_title (text, unique together with namespace) of the parent category

Here's a concrete example:

mysql enwiki -e "select page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_is_redirect from page where page_namespace in (0, 14) and page_title in ('Albert_Einstein')"


| page_id | page_namespace | page_title      | page_is_redirect |
|     736 |              0 | Albert_Einstein |                0 |
| 2504643 |             14 | Albert_Einstein |                0 |

so we see that there are there is both:

The namespace IDs are listed at:


mysql enwiki -e "select cl_from, cl_to from categorylinks where cl_from in (736, 2504643)"


| cl_from | cl_to                                                                                                        |                                                                    
|     736 | 1879_births                                                                                                  |                                                                    
|     736 | 1955_deaths                                                                                                  |                                                                    
|     736 | 19th-century_German_Jews                                                                                     |                                                                    
|     736 | 20th-century_American_engineers                                                                              |
|     736 | Winners_of_the_Max_Planck_Medal                                                                              |
|     736 | Württemberger_emigrants_to_the_United_States                                                                 |
| 2504643 | Commons_category_link_is_on_Wikidata                                                                         |
| 2504643 | Wikipedia_categories_named_after_American_scientists                                                         |
| 2504643 | Wikipedia_categories_named_after_German_scientists                                                           |
| 2504643 | Wikipedia_categories_named_after_Swiss_people                                                                |
| 2504643 | Wikipedia_categories_named_after_physicists                                                                  |

therefore, e.g.:

Actually getting the tree

There many possible approaches to getting the data out, this was my path of lowest resistance.

MySQL was feeling a bit slower than it should, so I just reverted to my beloved SQLite: How to obtain a list of titles of all Wikipedia articles

PostgreSQL and MySQL will have better recursive query support with arrays which allow for nicer:

but it was feeling like a Python loop would provide greater flexibility anyways, so I just went for that.

I imported to SQLite with the help of

git clone
cd mysqldump-to-csv
git checkout 24301dfa739c13025844ed3ff5a8abe093ced6cc
patch <<'EOF'
diff --git a/ b/
index b49cfe7..8d5bb2a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ def main():
     # listed in sys.argv[1:]
     # or stdin if no args given.
-        for line in fileinput.input():
+        sys.stdin.reconfigure(errors='ignore')
+        for line in fileinput.input(encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore"):
             # Look for an INSERT statement and parse it.
             if is_insert(line):
                 values = get_values(line)

The patch is to overcome binary data madness in categorylinks:

Then I get the files:


and import into SQLite with:

rm -f "$db"

# page
sqlite3 "$db" 'create table "page"("page_id" integer, "page_namespace" integer, "page_title" text, "page_is_redirect" integer, "page_len" integer)'
time zcat enwiki-latest-page.sql.gz | python mysqldump-to-csv/ | csvtool col 1,2,3,4,10 - | sqlite3 "$db" ".import --csv '|cat -' page"
du -h "$db"
time sqlite3 "$db" 'create unique index "page_id" on "page"("page_id")'
du -h "$db"
time sqlite3 "$db" 'create index "page_namespace_title" on "page"("page_namespace", "page_title")'
du -h "$db"

# categorylinks
sqlite3 "$db" 'create table categorylinks("cl_from" integer, "cl_to" text)'
time zcat enwiki-latest-categorylinks.sql.gz | python mysqldump-to-csv/ | csvtool col 1,2 - | sqlite3 "$db" ".import --csv '|cat -' categorylinks"
du -h "$db"
time sqlite3 "$db" 'create index "categorylinks_to" on categorylinks("cl_to")'
du -h "$db"

On my Lenovo ThinkPad P51:

+ sqlite3 enwiki.sqlite '.import --csv '\''|cat -'\'' page'

real    6m25.156s
user    9m57.253s
sys     0m25.416s
+ du -h enwiki.sqlite
1.6G    enwiki.sqlite
+ sqlite3 enwiki.sqlite 'create unique index "page_id" on "page"("page_id")'

real    1m6.278s
user    0m28.639s
sys     0m35.041s
+ du -h enwiki.sqlite
2.0G    enwiki.sqlite
+ sqlite3 enwiki.sqlite 'create index "page_namespace_title" on "page"("page_namespace", "page_title")'

real    2m5.788s
user    1m18.303s
sys     0m25.823s
+ du -h enwiki.sqlite
3.0G    enwiki.sqlite
+ sqlite3 enwiki.sqlite 'create table categorylinks("cl_from" integer, "cl_to" text)'
+ zcat enwiki-latest-categorylinks.sql.gz
+ python mysqldump-to-csv/
+ csvtool col 1,2 -
+ sqlite3 enwiki.sqlite '.import --csv '\''|cat -'\'' categorylinks'

real    20m30.865s
user    29m13.953s
sys     1m6.885s
+ du -h enwiki.sqlite
6.8G    enwiki.sqlite
+ sqlite3 enwiki.sqlite 'create index "categorylinks_to" on categorylinks("cl_to")'

real    6m36.867s
user    3m12.710s
sys     2m13.543s
+ du -h enwiki.sqlite
8.1G    enwiki.sqlite

Then I walk the category tree preorder depth first with this script and output a few graph representations:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import html
import sys
import sqlite3
import re
import os.path
from pathlib import Path

def escape_dot(s):
    return s.replace('"', '\\"')

    0: '',
    14: 'Category:',

def ns_to_txt(ns):
    if ns in NAMESPACE_TO_TEXT:
        return NAMESPACE_TO_TEXT[ns]
        return str(ns)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--depth', type=int)
parser.add_argument('titles', nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args()
out_dot = True
out_txt = True
out_html = True
outdir = 'out'

con = sqlite3.connect(args.db)
cur = con.cursor()
todo = list(map(lambda title: (14, title, 0), args.titles.copy()))
main_title = args.titles[0]
main_title_human = main_title.replace('_', ' ') + ' - Wikipedia CatTree'
basename = os.path.join(outdir, main_title)
visited = set()
Path(outdir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if out_txt:
    out_txt_f = open(f'{basename}.txt', 'w')
if out_dot:
    out_dot_f = open(f'{basename}.dot', 'w')
    out_dot_f.write('digraph {\n')
if out_html:
    out_html_f = open(f'{basename}.html', 'w')
    out_html_f.write(f'''<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
a {{ text-decoration: none; }}
details {{ margin-left: 1em; }}
summary {{ margin-bottom: 0.4em; }}
last_depth = 0
while len(todo):
    namespace, title, depth = todo.pop()
    depth_delta = depth - last_depth
    if depth_delta <= 0:
        repeat_close = -depth_delta + 1
        repeat_close = 0
    last_depth = depth
    path_last = ns_to_txt(namespace) + title
    if out_txt:
        out_txt_f.write('{}{} {}\n'.format(' ' * depth, depth, path_last))
    if out_html:
        out_html_f.write('</details>\n' * repeat_close)
        out_html_f.write(f'<details open="true"><summary><a href="{html.escape(path_last)}">{html.escape(path_last.replace("_", " "))}</a></summary>\n')
    visited.add((namespace, title))
    print(len(visited), file=sys.stderr)
    if namespace == 14:
        for child_namespace, child_title in cur.execute('''
select page_namespace, page_title from categorylinks
inner join page on cl_from = page_id and cl_to = ?
order by page_namespace asc, page_title desc
''', (title,)).fetchall():
            if not (child_namespace, child_title) in visited and not (args.depth is not None and depth == args.depth):
                if out_dot:
                    out_dot_f.write('"{}{}"->"{}{}";\n'.format(ns_to_txt(namespace), escape_dot(title), ns_to_txt(child_namespace), escape_dot(child_title)))
                todo.append((child_namespace, child_title, depth + 1))
if out_txt:
if out_dot:
if out_html:
    out_html_f.write('</details>\n' * last_depth)

Sample usage to walk down from up to 6 levels down

time ./ -d6 enwiki.sqlite Mathematics

This walked 82460 pages in 2m30.895s.

It produces the following output files illustrating some basic visualization ideas:

  • out/Mathematics.html: collapsible table of contents with details and summary HTML elements and clickable links to Wikipedia. I'm quite proud of this one! Live demo:

    enter image description here

  • out/Mathematics.txt: simple plaintext tree, e.g.:

    0 Category:Mathematics
    1 Category:Fields_of_mathematics
      2 Category:Algebra
       3 Category:Abstract_algebra
        4 Category:Abstract_algebra_stubs
         5 Category:Algebraic_geometry_stubs
          6 10Algebraic-geometry-stub
          6 3-fold
          6 Abelian_surface
          6 Abhyankar–Moh_theorem
          6 Abundance_conjecture
  • out/ Graphviz format, which is understood by a few different applications

Tested on Ubuntu 23.04.

Atlas answered 18/10, 2023 at 4:28 Comment(0)

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