Convert special characters to HTML in JavaScript
Asked Answered



How can I convert special characters to HTML in JavaScript?


  • & (ampersand) becomes &amp.
  • " (double quote) becomes &quot when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set.
  • ' (single quote) becomes &#039 only when ENT_QUOTES is set.
  • < (less than) becomes &lt.
  • > (greater than) becomes &gt.
Feeler answered 24/4, 2009 at 5:3 Comment(3)
See JavaScript htmlentities
see also:
You can use this library:

You need a function that does something like

return mystring.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");

But taking into account your desire for different handling of single/double quotes.

Minicam answered 24/4, 2009 at 5:15 Comment(3)
what does the slash g do?Prefab
@Prefab /g in a regular expression means "global". Simply put, all occurrences of the string will be replaced. Without /g only the first match would be replaced.Enwreathe
A better answer is

The best way in my opinion is to use the browser's inbuilt HTML escape functionality to handle many of the cases. To do this simply create a element in the DOM tree and set the innerText of the element to your string. Then retrieve the innerHTML of the element. The browser will return an HTML encoded string.

function HtmlEncode(s)
  var el = document.createElement("div");
  el.innerText = el.textContent = s;
  s = el.innerHTML;
  return s;

Test run:




This method of escaping HTML is also used by the Prototype JS library though differently from the simplistic sample I have given.

Note: You will still need to escape quotes (double and single) yourself. You can use any of the methods outlined by others here.

Pituitary answered 24/4, 2009 at 6:6 Comment(10)
note that delete el is a mistake here.
This doesn't do anything for me when I try it. I get the characters back unchanged.Klinges
Sorry, I was testing with odd characters, plus Chrome is sneaky and doesn't show you the real HTML output, but Firebug does (actually it showed an html entity for the copyright symbol when the generated source doesn't encode it). This does work fine on <>& but isn't as all encompassing as Neotropic's or KooiInc's solutions.Klinges
with jQuery, output = $('<div>').text(input).html()Basketball
Both methods does not convert ' into &apos; and " into &quot; So it still can be used for XSS attacks.Stockton
This also works the other way around if you're trying to parse html, but I'd suggest parsing and replacing each character escape sequence individually rather than the all the html at once to prevent XSSUribe
@BeauCielBleu How is this vulnerable to XSS injection if the string is always treated as text? how would the browser ever consider it html?Ampoule
Everything looks fine, but this doesn't convert spaces to &nbsp; , so in case of multi spaces you will see just one space in HTML. Add this s = s.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;'); line after s = el.innerHTML; and it will solve the problem.Kalynkam
@Basketball very cool and also reversible: input = $('<div>').html(output).text() (I wonder how to do this without jQuery this simply)Blakeley
I think @Stockton confused encoding to html with encoding to an html attribute valueShady

You need a function that does something like

return mystring.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");

But taking into account your desire for different handling of single/double quotes.

Minicam answered 24/4, 2009 at 5:15 Comment(3)
what does the slash g do?Prefab
@Prefab /g in a regular expression means "global". Simply put, all occurrences of the string will be replaced. Without /g only the first match would be replaced.Enwreathe
A better answer is

For those who want to decode an integer char code like &#xxx; inside a string, use this function:

function decodeHtmlCharCodes(str) { 
  return str.replace(/(&#(\d+);)/g, function(match, capture, charCode) {
    return String.fromCharCode(charCode);

// Will output "The show that gained int’l reputation’!"
console.log(decodeHtmlCharCodes('The show that gained int&#8217;l reputation&#8217;!'));


const decodeHtmlCharCodes = str => 
  str.replace(/(&#(\d+);)/g, (match, capture, charCode) => 

// Will output "The show that gained int’l reputation’!"
console.log(decodeHtmlCharCodes('The show that gained int&#8217;l reputation&#8217;!'));
Gross answered 24/1, 2019 at 12:16 Comment(3)
This should be the accepted answer as this will decode everything.Dosimeter
Note that this only decodes integer char codes. It won't decode something like &amp; or &gt;Keijo
@Keijo the opening line of "For those who want to decode an integer char code like &#xxx; inside a string" is clear enough to indicate that these functions are for decoding integer encodings; if you want to decode named encodings, there are plenty of other functions here to do that.Gross

[edit 2023] Support unicode surrogate pairs (use String.codePointAt).

This generic function encodes every nonalphabetic character to its HTML code (numeric character reference (NCR)):

const strEncoded =  HTMLEncode(`&Hellõ Wórld 😃`);
document.querySelector(`div`).innerHTML = strEncoded;

function HTMLEncode(str) {
  str = [...str];
  //    ^ es20XX spread to Array: keeps surrogate pairs
  let i = str.length, aRet = [];

  while (i--) {
      var iC = str[i].codePointAt(0);
      if (iC < 65 || iC > 127 || (iC>90 && iC<97)) {
          aRet[i] = '&#'+iC+';';
      } else {
          aRet[i] = str[i];
  return aRet.join('');

Another approach is using

const toHtmlEntities = (str, showInHtml = false) => 
  [...str].map( v => `${showInHtml ? `&amp;#` : `&#`}${
const str = `&Hellõ Wórld 😃`;
//                        ^ surrogate pair

document.body.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`, `<ul>
  <li>Show the entities (<code>toHtmlEntities(str, true)</code>): <b>${
    toHtmlEntities(str, true)}</b></li>
  <li>Let the browser decide (<code>toHtmlEntities(str)</code>): <b>${
  <li id="textOnly"></li></ul>`);
document.querySelector(`#textOnly`).textContent = `As textContent: ${
body {
  font: 14px / 18px "normal verdana", arial;
  margin: 1rem;

code {
  background-color: #eee;
Oology answered 24/4, 2009 at 6:45 Comment(7)
This sounds really clever but I can only get it to convert the basics: <>&Klinges
nvm. It runs in a console fine, but when you output to the browser it looks like it hasn't converted stuff. What is up with that?Klinges
@Moss: the browser renders the htmlencoded characters to the characters they represent. The advantage of html-encoded characters is that a browser doesn't have to guess about the translation of (e.g.) diacritical characters and thus always renders those characters like they should be rendered.Oology
You might consider changing this to remove the array-like access off of str. IE7 and below don't support that, and you can just as easily call charCodeAt right off of str with i as the argument. var iC = str.charCodeAt(i)Prothonotary
This code is not producing the correct HTML Entity value for the ± character which should be &#177; but it is returning &#65533; which is an unknown character �.Better
@Better you should have specified the browser you used, I can't reproduce that (I get &#177;)Blakeley
@YokovL: please leave the curly braces (try source of the answer @

Create a function that uses string replace

function convert(str)
  str = str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
  str = str.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
  str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
  str = str.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
  str = str.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
  return str;
Paquito answered 24/4, 2009 at 5:25 Comment(1)
I was facing issue with only single quotes( ') & double quotes (") in my input value to display in html. Script was breaking if user add it.Foin

From Mozilla ...

Note that charCodeAt will always return a value that is less than 65,536. This is because the higher code points are represented by a pair of (lower valued) "surrogate" pseudo-characters which are used to comprise the real character. Because of this, in order to examine or reproduce the full character for individual characters of value 65,536 and above, for such characters, it is necessary to retrieve not only charCodeAt(i), but also charCodeAt(i+1) (as if examining/reproducing a string with two >letters).

The Best Solution

 * (c) 2012 Steven Levithan <>
 * MIT license
if (!String.prototype.codePointAt) {
    String.prototype.codePointAt = function (pos) {
        pos = isNaN(pos) ? 0 : pos;
        var str = String(this),
            code = str.charCodeAt(pos),
            next = str.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
        // If a surrogate pair
        if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF && 0xDC00 <= next && next <= 0xDFFF) {
            return ((code - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (next - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
        return code;

 * Encodes special html characters
 * @param string
 * @return {*}
function html_encode(string) {
    var ret_val = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { 
        if (string.codePointAt(i) > 127) {
            ret_val += '&#' + string.codePointAt(i) + ';';
        } else {
            ret_val += string.charAt(i);
    return ret_val;

Usage example:

Coastal answered 4/1, 2013 at 19:19 Comment(0)

As was mentioned by dragon the cleanest way to do it is with jQuery:

function htmlEncode(s) {
    return $('<div>').text(s).html();

function htmlDecode(s) {
    return $('<div>').html(s).text();
Blotter answered 11/12, 2013 at 19:54 Comment(2)
Interesting, but if your string contains a space, this won't alter it. A better way is to use encodeURI(yourString);Antione
A space is not a special character. encodeURI is for encoding URLs not HTML... it is the wrong tool for the job.Blotter
function char_convert() {

    var chars = ["©","Û","®","ž","Ü","Ÿ","Ý","$","Þ","%","¡","ß","¢","à","£","á","À","¤","â","Á","¥","ã","Â","¦","ä","Ã","§","å","Ä","¨","æ","Å","©","ç","Æ","ª","è","Ç","«","é","È","¬","ê","É","­","ë","Ê","®","ì","Ë","¯","í","Ì","°","î","Í","±","ï","Î","²","ð","Ï","³","ñ","Ð","´","ò","Ñ","µ","ó","Õ","¶","ô","Ö","·","õ","Ø","¸","ö","Ù","¹","÷","Ú","º","ø","Û","»","ù","Ü","@","¼","ú","Ý","½","û","Þ","€","¾","ü","ß","¿","ý","à","‚","À","þ","á","ƒ","Á","ÿ","å","„","Â","æ","…","Ã","ç","†","Ä","è","‡","Å","é","ˆ","Æ","ê","‰","Ç","ë","Š","È","ì","‹","É","í","Œ","Ê","î","Ë","ï","Ž","Ì","ð","Í","ñ","Î","ò","‘","Ï","ó","’","Ð","ô","“","Ñ","õ","”","Ò","ö","•","Ó","ø","–","Ô","ù","—","Õ","ú","˜","Ö","û","™","×","ý","š","Ø","þ","›","Ù","ÿ","œ","Ú"]; 
    var codes = ["&copy;","&#219;","&reg;","&#158;","&#220;","&#159;","&#221;","&#36;","&#222;","&#37;","&#161;","&#223;","&#162;","&#224;","&#163;","&#225;","&Agrave;","&#164;","&#226;","&Aacute;","&#165;","&#227;","&Acirc;","&#166;","&#228;","&Atilde;","&#167;","&#229;","&Auml;","&#168;","&#230;","&Aring;","&#169;","&#231;","&AElig;","&#170;","&#232;","&Ccedil;","&#171;","&#233;","&Egrave;","&#172;","&#234;","&Eacute;","&#173;","&#235;","&Ecirc;","&#174;","&#236;","&Euml;","&#175;","&#237;","&Igrave;","&#176;","&#238;","&Iacute;","&#177;","&#239;","&Icirc;","&#178;","&#240;","&Iuml;","&#179;","&#241;","&ETH;","&#180;","&#242;","&Ntilde;","&#181;","&#243;","&Otilde;","&#182;","&#244;","&Ouml;","&#183;","&#245;","&Oslash;","&#184;","&#246;","&Ugrave;","&#185;","&#247;","&Uacute;","&#186;","&#248;","&Ucirc;","&#187;","&#249;","&Uuml;","&#64;","&#188;","&#250;","&Yacute;","&#189;","&#251;","&THORN;","&#128;","&#190;","&#252","&szlig;","&#191;","&#253;","&agrave;","&#130;","&#192;","&#254;","&aacute;","&#131;","&#193;","&#255;","&aring;","&#132;","&#194;","&aelig;","&#133;","&#195;","&ccedil;","&#134;","&#196;","&egrave;","&#135;","&#197;","&eacute;","&#136;","&#198;","&ecirc;","&#137;","&#199;","&euml;","&#138;","&#200;","&igrave;","&#139;","&#201;","&iacute;","&#140;","&#202;","&icirc;","&#203;","&iuml;","&#142;","&#204;","&eth;","&#205;","&ntilde;","&#206;","&ograve;","&#145;","&#207;","&oacute;","&#146;","&#208;","&ocirc;","&#147;","&#209;","&otilde;","&#148;","&#210;","&ouml;","&#149;","&#211;","&oslash;","&#150;","&#212;","&ugrave;","&#151;","&#213;","&uacute;","&#152;","&#214;","&ucirc;","&#153;","&#215;","&yacute;","&#154;","&#216;","&thorn;","&#155;","&#217;","&yuml;","&#156;","&#218;"];

    for(x=0; x<chars.length; x++){
        for (i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
            arguments[i].value = arguments[i].value.replace(chars[x], codes[x]);

Cavell answered 3/1, 2011 at 16:30 Comment(5)
This works great., But for some reason when mixed in with some JQuery Functionality, it misfires. Sometimes does into convert some, or only a couple. But in general, works great. onBlur="char_convert(this);"Cavell
Uh, I get an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined" in Chrome and "arguments[i].value is undefined" in Firebug.Klinges
putting all of those special characters into an array like that is completely pointless. see other answers.Glycerinate
Best solution for me, the only one that converts í to &iacute; for example.Gabbey
How do you get those chars from your keyboard? I know this is a silly question OS X for exampleAbatis
function ConvChar(str) {
    c = {'&lt;':'&amp;lt;', '&gt;':'&amp;gt;', '&':'&amp;amp;',
         '"':'&amp;quot;', "'":'&amp;#039;', '#':'&amp;#035;' };

    return str.replace(/[&lt;&amp;>'"#]/g, function(s) { return c[s]; });




In a testarea tag:


If you'll just change a few characters in long code...

Provencal answered 24/4, 2009 at 5:3 Comment(0)

If you need support for all standardized named character references, Unicode and ambiguous ampersands, the he library is the only 100% reliable solution I'm aware of!

Example use

he.encode('foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux');
// Output: 'foo &#xA9; bar &#x2260; baz &#x1D306; qux'

he.decode('foo &copy; bar &ne; baz &#x1D306; qux');
// Output: 'foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux'
Glassblowing answered 24/2, 2017 at 11:25 Comment(0)

In a PRE tag - and in most other HTML tags - plain text for a batch file that uses the output redirection characters (< and >) will break the HTML, but here is my tip: anything goes in a TEXTAREA element - it will not break the HTML, mainly because we are inside a control instanced and handled by the OS, and therefore its content are not being parsed by the HTML engine.

As an example, say I want to highlight the syntax of my batch file using JavaScript. I simply paste the code in a textarea without worrying about the HTML reserved characters, and have the script process the innerHTML property of the textarea, which evaluates to the text with the HTML reserved characters replaced by their corresponding ISO 8859-1 entities.

Browsers will escape special characters automatically when you retrieve the innerHTML (and outerHTML) property of an element. Using a textarea (and who knows, maybe an input of type text) just saves you from doing the conversion (manually or through code).

I use this trick to test my syntax highlighter, and when I'm done authoring and testing, I simply hide the textarea from view.

Ferrari answered 21/9, 2012 at 1:13 Comment(0)

A workaround:

var temp = $("div").text("<");
var afterEscape = temp.html(); // afterEscape == "&lt;"
Hermaphrodite answered 28/2, 2013 at 8:38 Comment(0)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

            $(function() {
                document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = "&amp;";

        <div id="test"></div>

You can simply convert special characters to HTML using the above code.

Generalization answered 23/7, 2014 at 6:33 Comment(0)


var swapCodes   = new Array(8211, 8212, 8216, 8217, 8220, 8221, 8226, 8230, 8482, 169, 61558, 8226, 61607);
var swapStrings = new Array("--", "--", "'",  "'",  '"',  '"',  "*",  "...", "&trade;", "&copy;", "&bull;", "&bull;", "&bull;");

var TextCheck = {
        var output = $(div).val();
        for (i = 0; i < swapCodes.length; i++) {
            var swapper = new RegExp("\\u" + swapCodes[i].toString(16), "g");
            output = output.replace(swapper, swapStrings[i]);

Another one that we use now that works. The one above I have it calling a script instead and returns the converted code. It is only good on small textareas (meaning not a full on article, blog, etc.)

For the above. It works on most characters.

var swapCodes   = new Array(8211, 8212, 8216, 8217, 8220, 8221, 8226, 8230, 8482, 61558, 8226, 61607, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 338, 339, 352, 353, 376, 402);
var swapStrings = new Array("--", "--", "'",  "'",  '"',  '"',  "*",  "...", "&trade;", "&bull;", "&bull;", "&bull;", "&iexcl;", "&cent;", "&pound;", "&curren;", "&yen;", "&brvbar;", "&sect;", "&uml;", "&copy;", "&ordf;", "&laquo;", "&not;", "&shy;", "&reg;", "&macr;", "&deg;", "&plusmn;", "&sup2;", "&sup3;", "&acute;", "&micro;", "&para;", "&middot;", "&cedil;", "&sup1;", "&ordm;", "&raquo;", "&frac14;", "&frac12;", "&frac34;", "&iquest;", "&Agrave;", "&Aacute;", "&Acirc;", "&Atilde;", "&Auml;", "&Aring;", "&AElig;", "&Ccedil;", "&Egrave;", "&Eacute;", "&Ecirc;", "&Euml;", "&Igrave;", "&Iacute;", "&Icirc;", "&Iuml;", "&ETH;", "&Ntilde;", "&Ograve;", "&Oacute;", "&Ocirc;", "&Otilde;", "&Ouml;", "&times;", "&Oslash;", "&Ugrave;", "&Uacute;", "&Ucirc;", "&Uuml;", "&Yacute;", "&THORN;", "&szlig;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&acirc;", "&atilde;", "&auml;", "&aring;", "&aelig;", "&ccedil;", "&egrave;", "&eacute;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&eth;", "&ntilde;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&ouml;", "&divide;", "&oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&uuml;", "&yacute;", "&thorn;", "&yuml;", "&#338;", "&#339;", "&#352;", "&#353;", "&#376;", "&#402;");

I create a javascript file that has a lot of functionality including the above.

All files needed are included. I added jQuery 1.4.4. Simply because I saw issues in other versions, yet to try them out.

Requires: jQuery & jQuery Impromptu from:

1. Word Count
2. Character Conversion
3. Checks to ensure this is not passed: "notsomeverylongstringmissingspaces"
4. Checks to make sure ALL IS NOT ALL UPPERCASE.
5. Strip HTML

    // Word Counter
    $.getScript('js/characters.js', function(){
        $('#adtxt').bind("keyup click blur focus change paste",
                TextCheck.wordCount(30, "#adtxt", "#adtxt_count", event);
                TextCheck.check_length('#adtxt'); // unsures properly spaces-not one long word
                TextCheck.doCWBind('#adtxt'); // char conversion

        TextCheck.wordCount(30, "#adtxt", "#adtxt_count", false);

    <textarea name="adtxt" id="adtxt" rows="10" cols="70" class="wordCount"></textarea>

    <div id="adtxt_count" class="clear"></div>

    // Just Character Conversions:

    // Run through form fields in a form for case checking.
    // Alerts user when field is blur'd.
    var labels = new Array("Brief Description", "Website URL", "Contact Name", "Website", "Email", "Linkback URL");
    var checking = new Array("descr", "title", "fname", "website", "email", "linkback");
    TextCheck.check_it(checking, labels);

    // Extra security to check again, make sure form is not submitted
    var pass = TextCheck.validate(checking, labels);
        // Do form actions

    //Strip HTML
    <textarea name="adtxt" id="adtxt" rows="10" cols="70" onblur="TextCheck.stripHTML(this);"></textarea>
Cavell answered 11/4, 2011 at 21:50 Comment(0)

Here's a good library I've found very useful in this context.

According to its author:

It supports all standardized named character references as per HTML, handles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases just like a browser would, has an extensive test suite, and — contrary to many other JavaScript solutions — he handles astral Unicode symbols just fine

Jackjackadandy answered 19/11, 2014 at 9:28 Comment(1)
This tool for mathias is very good and have online playground alsoHepner
function escape (text)
  return text.replace(/[<>\&\"\']/g, function(c) {
    return '&#' + c.charCodeAt(0) + ';';

Sextodecimo answered 30/8, 2009 at 21:13 Comment(0)

This doesn't direcly answer your question, but if you are using innerHTML in order to write text within an element and you ran into encoding issues, just use textContent, i.e.:

var s = "Foo 'bar' baz <qux>";

var element = document.getElementById('foo');
element.textContent = s;

// <div id="foo">Foo 'bar' baz <qux></div>
Juli answered 18/1, 2014 at 0:52 Comment(0)

Here are a couple methods I use without the need of jQuery:

You can encode every character in your string:

function encode(e){return e.replace(/[^]/g, function(e) {return "&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";"})}

Or just target the main safe encoding characters to worry about (&, inebreaks, <, >, " and ') like:

function encode(r){
    return r.replace(/[\x26\x0A\<>'"]/g, function(r){return "&#" + r.charCodeAt(0) + ";"})

test.value = encode('How to encode\nonly html tags &<>\'" nice & fast!');

* \x26 is &ampersand (it has to be first),
* \x0A is newline,
<textarea id=test rows="9" cols="55"></textarea>
Descant answered 26/7, 2015 at 13:57 Comment(0)

We can use JavaScript's DOMParser for special characters conversion.

const parser = new DOMParser();
const convertedValue = (parser.parseFromString("&#039 &amp &#039 &lt &gt", "application/xml").body.innerText;
Coumarin answered 5/11, 2019 at 7:8 Comment(0)

If you're using Lodash, you can do (copy pasted from documentation):

_.escape('fred, barney, & pebbles');
// => 'fred, barney, &amp; pebbles'

For more information: _.escape([string=''])

Heath answered 4/10, 2021 at 6:2 Comment(0)

I had struggled with this myself for quite some time, but I settled on using this negative match regex to match all special characters and convert them to their relevant character codes:

var encoded = value.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, function(i) {
    return '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
Bozovich answered 13/1, 2022 at 17:52 Comment(0)

This is my proposal,

htmlFriendly = jsFriendly.replace( /[^\w\s]/gi, 
    function (char) { return `&#${char.charCodeAt(0)};`; }
Unlace answered 12/4 at 11:12 Comment(0)
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var str = "&\"'<>";
            alert('B4 Change: \n' + str);

            str = str.replace(/\&/g, '&amp;');
            str = str.replace(/</g,  '&lt;');
            str = str.replace(/>/g,  '&gt;');
            str = str.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;');
            str = str.replace(/\'/g, '&#039;');

            alert('After change: \n' + str);

Use this to test:

Alchemize answered 24/4, 2009 at 5:35 Comment(1)
The link is broken: "The file you asked for does not exist "Layoff

Yes, but if you need to insert the resulting string somewhere without it being converted back, you need to do:

str.replace(/'/g,"&amp;amp;#39;"); // and so on
Halflength answered 3/3, 2010 at 15:13 Comment(2)
"Yes" in response to some other answer?Layoff
I guess so - it was soooo long ago.Halflength

The following is the a function to encode XML escaped characters in JavaScript:

Pneumothorax answered 16/12, 2019 at 7:25 Comment(0)
function HTMLCharConvert(text: string) {
    var swapCodes = new Array(8211, 8212, 8216, 8217, 8220, 8221, 8226, 8230, 8482, 61558, 8226, 61607, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 338, 339, 352, 353, 376, 402);
    var swapStrings = new Array("--", "--", "'", "'", '"', '"', "*", "...", "&trade;", "&bull;", "&bull;", "&bull;", "&iexcl;", "&cent;", "&pound;", "&curren;", "&yen;", "&brvbar;", "&sect;", "&uml;", "&copy;", "&ordf;", "&laquo;", "&not;", "&shy;", "&reg;", "&macr;", "&deg;", "&plusmn;", "&sup2;", "&sup3;", "&acute;", "&micro;", "&para;", "&middot;", "&cedil;", "&sup1;", "&ordm;", "&raquo;", "&frac14;", "&frac12;", "&frac34;", "&iquest;", "&Agrave;", "&Aacute;", "&Acirc;", "&Atilde;", "&Auml;", "&Aring;", "&AElig;", "&Ccedil;", "&Egrave;", "&Eacute;", "&Ecirc;", "&Euml;", "&Igrave;", "&Iacute;", "&Icirc;", "&Iuml;", "&ETH;", "&Ntilde;", "&Ograve;", "&Oacute;", "&Ocirc;", "&Otilde;", "&Ouml;", "&times;", "&Oslash;", "&Ugrave;", "&Uacute;", "&Ucirc;", "&Uuml;", "&Yacute;", "&THORN;", "&szlig;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&acirc;", "&atilde;", "&auml;", "&aring;", "&aelig;", "&ccedil;", "&egrave;", "&eacute;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&eth;", "&ntilde;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&ouml;", "&divide;", "&oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&uuml;", "&yacute;", "&thorn;", "&yuml;", "&#338;", "&#339;", "&#352;", "&#353;", "&#376;", "&#402;");

    for (let i = 0 ; i < swapCodes.length; i++) {
        const rep = '&#' + swapCodes[i] + ';'
        const idx = text.indexOf(rep)

        if (idx < 0)

        text = text.replaceAll(rep, swapStrings[i])

    return text
Incapacitate answered 7/1 at 11:56 Comment(1)
Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Subsidy

Use the JavaScript function escape(), that lets you encode strings.


Tiemannite answered 7/6, 2012 at 6:31 Comment(1)
Encode for putting in a URL not for HTML (and the function is deprecated anyway since it is broken for Unicode).Kirksey

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