tl;dr summary: Give me the resources or help fix the below code to transform path commands for SVG <path>
elements by an arbitrary matrix.
I'm writing a library to convert any arbitrary SVG shape into a <path>
element. I have it working when there are no transform="..."
elements in the hierarchy, but now I want to bake the local transform of the object into the path data commands themselves.
This is mostly working (code below) when dealing with the simple moveto/lineto commands. However, I'm not sure of the appropriate way to transform the bezier handles or arcTo parameters.
For example, I am able to convert this rounded rectangle to a <path>
<rect x="10" y="30" rx="10" ry="20" width="80" height="70" />
--> <path d="M20,30 L80,30 A10,20,0,0,1,90,50 L90,80 A10,20,0,0,1,80,100
L20,100 A10,20,0,0,1,10,80 L10,50 A10,20,0,0,1,20,30" />
And I get a valid result when transforming without any round corners:
<rect x="10" y="30" width="80" height="70"
transform="translate(-200,0) scale(1.5) rotate(50)" />
--> <path d="M10,30 L90,30 L90,100 L10,100 L10,30" />
However, transforming only the x/y coords of the elliptical arc commands yields amusing results:
The dotted line is the actual transformed rect, the green fill is my path.
Following is the code I have so far (slightly pared-down). I also have a test page where I'm testing various shapes. Please help me determine how to properly transform the elliptical arc
and various other bezier commands given an arbitrary transformation matrix.
function flattenToPaths(el,transform,svg){
if (!svg) svg=el; while(svg && svg.tagName!='svg') svg=svg.parentNode;
var doc = el.ownerDocument;
var svgNS = svg.getAttribute('xmlns');
// Identity transform if nothing passed in
if (!transform) transform= svg.createSVGMatrix();
// Calculate local transform matrix for the object
var localMatrix = svg.createSVGMatrix();
for (var xs=el.transform.baseVal,i=xs.numberOfItems-1;i>=0;--i){
localMatrix = xs.getItem(i).matrix.multiply(localMatrix);
// Transform the local transform by whatever was recursively passed in
transform = transform.multiply(localMatrix);
var path = doc.createElementNS(svgNS,'path');
case 'rect':
var x = el.getAttribute('x')*1, y = el.getAttribute('y')*1,
w = el.getAttribute('width')*1, h = el.getAttribute('height')*1,
rx = el.getAttribute('rx')*1, ry = el.getAttribute('ry')*1;
if (rx && !el.hasAttribute('ry')) ry=rx;
else if (ry && !el.hasAttribute('rx')) rx=ry;
if (rx>w/2) rx=w/2;
if (ry>h/2) ry=h/2;
((rx||ry) ? ('A'+rx+','+ry+',0,0,'+(rx*ry<0?0:1)+','+(x+w)+','+(y+ry)) : '') +
((rx||ry) ? ('A'+rx+','+ry+',0,0,'+(rx*ry<0?0:1)+','+(x+w-rx)+','+(y+h)) : '')+
((rx||ry) ? ('A'+rx+','+ry+',0,0,'+(rx*ry<0?0:1)+','+x+','+(y+h-ry)) : '')+
((rx||ry) ? ('A'+rx+','+ry+',0,0,'+(rx*ry<0?0:1)+','+(x+rx)+','+y) : '')
case 'circle':
var cx = el.getAttribute('cx')*1, cy = el.getAttribute('cy')*1,
r = el.getAttribute('r')*1, r0 = r/2+','+r/2;
path.setAttribute('d','M'+cx+','+(cy-r)+' A'+r0+',0,0,0,'+cx+','+(cy+r)+' '+r0+',0,0,0,'+cx+','+(cy-r) );
case 'ellipse':
var cx = el.getAttribute('cx')*1, cy = el.getAttribute('cy')*1,
rx = el.getAttribute('rx')*1, ry = el.getAttribute('ry')*1;
path.setAttribute('d','M'+cx+','+(cy-ry)+' A'+rx+','+ry+',0,0,0,'+cx+','+(cy+ry)+' '+rx+','+ry+',0,0,0,'+cx+','+(cy-ry) );
case 'line':
var x1=el.getAttribute('x1')*1, y1=el.getAttribute('y1')*1,
x2=el.getAttribute('x2')*1, y2=el.getAttribute('y2')*1;
case 'polyline':
case 'polygon':
for (var i=0,l=[],pts=el.points,len=pts.numberOfItems;i<len;++i){
var p = pts.getItem(i);
l[i] = p.x+','+p.y;
path.setAttribute('d',"M"+l.shift()+"L"+l.join(' ') + (el.tagName=='polygon') ? 'z' : '');
case 'path':
path = el.cloneNode(false);
// Convert local space by the transform matrix
var x,y;
var pt = svg.createSVGPoint();
var setXY = function(x,y,xN,yN){
pt.x = x; pt.y = y;
pt = pt.matrixTransform(transform);
if (xN) seg[xN] = pt.x;
if (yN) seg[yN] = pt.y;
// Extract rotation and scale from the transform
var rotation = Math.atan2(transform.b,transform.d)*180/Math.PI;
var sx = Math.sqrt(transform.a*transform.a+transform.c*transform.c);
var sy = Math.sqrt(transform.b*transform.b+transform.d*transform.d);
// FIXME: Must translate any Horizontal or Vertical lineto commands into absolute moveto
for (var segs=path.pathSegList,c=segs.numberOfItems,i=0;i<c;++i){
var seg = segs.getItem(i);
// Odd-numbered path segments are all relative
var isRelative = (seg.pathSegType%2==1);
var hasX = seg.x != null;
var hasY = seg.y != null;
if (hasX) x = isRelative ? x+seg.x : seg.x;
if (hasY) y = isRelative ? y+seg.y : seg.y;
if (hasX || hasY) setXY( x, y, hasX && 'x', hasY && 'y' );
if (seg.x1 != null) setXY( seg.x1, seg.y1, 'x1', 'y1' );
if (seg.x2 != null) setXY( seg.x2, seg.y2, 'x2', 'y2' );
if (seg.angle != null){
seg.angle += rotation;
seg.r1 *= sx; // FIXME; only works for uniform scale
seg.r2 *= sy; // FIXME; only works for uniform scale
return path;