Context: I plan to run a selenium script as an Amazon lambda function. My deployment package will be in the form of a container image. Before that I wanted to test locally if everything is working as expected.
I have a Dockerfile
as shown below:
# Install unzip separately
RUN yum install -y unzip
# Install Chrome dependencies
RUN yum install -y atk at-spi2-atk gtk3 cups-libs pango libdrm \
libXcomposite libXcursor libXdamage libXext libXtst libXt \
libXrandr libXScrnSaver alsa-lib -y
# Set your desired versions
ARG CHROMIUM_VERSION="118.0.5993.70"
# Download and install Chromium and Chromedriver with your specified versions
RUN curl -Lo "/tmp/" "${CHROME_DRIVER_VERSION}/linux64/" && \
curl -Lo "/tmp/" "${CHROMIUM_VERSION}/linux64/" && \
unzip /tmp/ -d /opt/chromedriver && \
unzip /tmp/ -d /opt/chromium && \
rm -rf /tmp/ /tmp/
# Install selenium-webdriver version 4.14.0
RUN npm install [email protected]
# Copy your Node.js code
COPY index.js ./
# Set the CMD directive
CMD [ "index.handler" ]
My index.js
file is as follows:
const { Builder, By } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const chrome = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");
const { ServiceBuilder } = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");
async function validateReviewCount(driver, reviewCount, url) {
// Navigate to the specified URL
await driver.get(url);
// Locate the parent div with id filter-info-section
const filterInfoSection = await driver.findElement('filter-info-section'));
// Locate and extract the review count text within the parent div
const reviewCountTextElement = await filterInfoSection.findElement(By.css('[data-hook="cr-filter-info-review-rating-count"]'));
const reviewCountText = await reviewCountTextElement.getText();
// Extract the second number from the review count text
const match = reviewCountText.match(/\d+/g);
const actualReviewCount = match && match[1] ? Number(match[1]) : null;
console.log("Actual Review Count:", actualReviewCount);
// Compare reviewCount and actualReviewCount
if (actualReviewCount === null) {
throw new Error('Error fetching review count');
} else if (actualReviewCount === 0) {
throw new Error('The product has 0 reviews');
} else if (actualReviewCount < reviewCount) {
throw new Error(`The product has less than ${reviewCount} reviews`);
async function fetchReviews(driver, url) {
const reviewData = [];
await driver.get(url);
const reviewSection = await driver.findElement(By.css(".reviews-content"));
const reviewViews = await reviewSection.findElement(By.css(".review-views"));
const allReviews = await reviewViews.findElements(By.css('[data-hook="review"]'));
for (const review of allReviews) {
const reviewDateElement = await review.findElement(By.css('[data-hook="review-date"]'));
const reviewDateText = await reviewDateElement.getText();
const reviewBodyElement = await review.findElement(By.css('[data-hook="review-body"]'));
const reviewBodyText = await reviewBodyElement.getText();
reviewDate: reviewDateText,
reviewBody: reviewBodyText,
return reviewData;
// Lambda entry point
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const reviewCount = event.reviewCount;
const options = new chrome.Options();
const urls = [
const serviceBuilder = new ServiceBuilder('/opt/chromedriver/chromedriver');
const driver = await new Builder()
const reviewDataArray = [];
try {
driver.manage().setTimeouts({ implicit: 60000 });
await validateReviewCount(driver, reviewCount, urls[0]);
for (const url of urls) {
const reviews = await fetchReviews(driver, url);
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: "Scraping completed",
data: reviewDataArray,
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Internal Server Error";
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify({
error: errorMessage
} finally {
await driver.quit();
First I created a Docker image:
Then I ran it using the command below:
docker run -p 9000:8080 reviews:test
Then I posted an event to the local end point using the command below:
curl "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{"reviewCount": 100}'
When I did this, I got the following error:
{"errorType":"Error","errorMessage":"spawn /opt/chromedriver/chromedriver ENOENT","trace":["Error: spawn /opt/chromedriver/chromedriver ENOENT"," at /var/task/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/remote/index.js:259:24"," at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)"]}%
What's the issue? Need help in debugging this issue.