This has got to be such a simple question but I just can't get the answer.
I have an XmlNode and all I want to do is output this node, as a string, with indentations (tabs or spaces) intact to provide better readability.
So far I tried XmlWriter, XmlTextWriter, XmlDocument, XmlReader.
- I tried the PreserveWhitespace in XmlDocument but I couldn't get the XmlDocument to output my node.
- I tried the Formatting = Formatting.Indented property in XmlTextWriter but I couldn't figure out how to output the contents to string.
To output the XmlNode as string WITHOUT indentation is easy. I just do XmlNode.OuterXml. How do I get the indentations in there?
I want to do this without looping through the XmlNode and using brute force to add whitespace, because I think there should be a simpler way.
Edit: For future readers, here is the answer:
var xmlNode = is some object of type XmlNode
using (var sw = new StringWriter())
using (var xw = new XmlTextWriter(sw))
xw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
xw.Indentation = 2; //default is 1. I used 2 to make the indents larger.
return sw.ToString(); //The node, as a string, with indents!
The reason I needed to do this was output the node's xml with syntax highlighting. I used AvalonEdit to highlight the xml, outputted the highlighted text to html, then converted the html to a FlowDocument which could be displayed in a RichTextBox.