I'm trying to generate Enterprise distribution build from jenkins job. I was able to build and generate the .ipa for Adhoc Distribution(Developer Account), but when i create a new job and set up the configuration for enterprise build(Enterprise Account) archive is successful, but generate .ipa getting failed with below error.
error: exportArchive: Provisioning profile "Project xxxxx InHouse Prod" is not an
"iOS Ad Hoc" profile. Error Domain=IDEProfileQualificationErrorDomain Code=3
"Provisioning profile "Project xxxxx InHouse Prod" is not an "iOS Ad Hoc" profile."
0x600000cfab80: name: Project xxxxx InHouse Prod, UUID: 8df09c09-5c58-4356-80d0-
6ac76450edea, teamName: xxxxxx INTERNATIONAL xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx,
teamIdentifierPrefixes: ( 5NV8XFN9EY ), entitlements: { "application-identifier" =
"5NV8XFN9EY.com.xxxxx.projectxxxx.prod"; "aps-environment" = production;
"com.apple.developer.team-identifier" = 5NV8XFN9EY; "get-task-allow" = 0; "keychain-
access-groups" = ( "5NV8XFN9EY.*", "com.apple.token" ); }, appIdentifierName:
Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx App Prod, applicationIdentifierPrefixes: ( 5NV8XFN9EY ),
dateCreated: 2021-10-05 07:52:05 +0000, dateExpired: 2022-10-05 07:52:05 +0000,
certificateKinds: {( "1.2.840.113635." )}, certificateSHA1Hashes: {(
A4E018F29FD36D0DA3B79DC48DBEB205EFC7F785 )}, supportedUDIDs: {( )}, isUniversal: 1,
isXcodeManaged: 0, platforms: {(
/WatchOS.platform'>>, <DVTPlatform:0x6000017dd980:'com.apple.platform.iphoneos':
/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform'>> )}, filePath:
NSLocalizedDescription=Provisioning profile "Project xxxxx InHouse Prod" is not an
"iOS Ad Hoc" profile., IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3} ** EXPORT FAILED ** Failed
to build /Users/zebrajenkins/jenkins_dir/workspace/Zebra-iOS-Builds/Zebra-iOS-QA2-
Build step 'Xcode' marked build as failure
Skipping due to upstream build failure
Finished: FAILURE
This is my xcodebuild command in jenkins job
echo "=>>"$PATH/usr/bin/xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath
Staging/Archive/xxxxxxApp-Staging.xcarchive" -exportPath
Staging/Builds" -exportOptionsPlist
Staging/ExportOptions.plist" -allowProvisioningUpdates
When i checked my profile distribution type from apple developer account, it is shown as Universal Distribution type and my exportOption.plist shows method as "enterprise" and signing certificate as "Apple Distribution".
Any thoughts/suggestions on what is going wrong here? Much Appreciate. Thanks