I'm having some trouble understanding why my code in prolog does something based on the order I put my rules in.
Here is my database:
parent(tom, bob).
parent(tom, liz).
parent(mary, bob).
parent(mary, liz).
And here are the rules:
%difference(X, Y) ==> Predicate to check if two people X and Y are not the same person.
difference(X, Y) :- \==(X, Y).
father(X, Y) :- male(X), parent(X, Y), difference(X, Y).
mother(X, Y) :- female(X), parent(X, Y), difference(X, Y).
sibling(X, Y) :-
difference(X, Y),
mother(M, X), mother(M, Y),
father(F, X), father(F, Y).
The problem is that when I do this,
?- sibling(bob, X).
I get
X = bob ;
X = liz ;
But when I change the ordering (I put difference(X, Y) at the last part)
sibling(X, Y) :-
mother(M, X), mother(M, Y),
father(F, X), father(F, Y),
difference(X, Y).
and I call
?- sibling(bob, X).
I get
X = liz;
which is what I want.
So far, I've only seen that the ordering of the rules matter when doing recursion. So I don't understand how bob is still a sibling of himself just because I put the difference check first.
Thanks for any help!