I'm trying to figure out how to have Pester test for parameters that are missing:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
Describe 'Mandatory paramters' {
it 'ComputerName' {
$Params = @{
#ComputerName = 'MyPc'
ScriptName = 'Test'
. "$here\$sut" @Params
} | Should throw
Param (
Function Find-Waldo {
Param (
'Do something'
Every time I try to assert
the result or simply run the test, it will prompt me for the ComputerName
parameter instead of failing the test.
Am I missing something super obvious here? Is there a way to test for the presence of mandatory parameters?
attribute in this way, as per this comment from the team – Reisinger((Get-Command Get-Command).Parameters['Name'].Attributes | ? { $_ -is [parameter] }).Mandatory | Should Be $false
on a script as in the example above? – KurrGet-Command
works on script files as well:(Get-Command "$here\$sut").Parameters
– Reisinger(Get-Command "$here\$sut").Parameters['ComputerName'].Attributes.Mandatory | Should be $true
If you post this I will mark it as solved. – Kurr