Just exploring node.js and came across express; On the npm repository site https://www.npmjs.com/package/express it clearly states installation is
$ npm install express
but if i scroll down the quick start mentions
$ npm install -g express-generator@4
Can someone explain in detail what is going on? I googled and understand in express v3 both were bundled together, but in express v4 the generator was pulled out.
So do i need to install both? does the generator install express automatically but not the other way around? I have JS fatigue already, and i only just started :-(
Supplementary Question: Then to confuse matters even further, i saw another question that asks should I start with 'npm init' and require express, or 'express myApp'. What is really going on now, where does init come into it?
Update 30/Jan/2017 I've accepted an answer below from someone else, but I've also added my own answer which is what i was seeking back then as a confused complete beginner. It may help others.