I am writing a game which supports mods, for safety I am sandboxing the mods into a separate AppDomain from the game engine (so I can restrict the capabilities of mods separately from the engine). However, objects in the scripting domain which the engine keeps a reference to keep getting garbage collected too early and I get an exception like this:
Object '/30b08873_4929_48a5_989c_e8e5cebc601f/lhejbssq8d8qsgvuulhbkqbo_615.rem' has been disconnected or does not exist at the server.
On the server side I am creating objects like this (using AppDomainToolkit:
// Take in a "script reference" which is basically just the name of a type in the scripting domain
public Reference<T> Dereference<T>(ScriptReference reference) where T : MarshalByRefObject
// Create a remote instance of this type
T instance = (T)RemoteFunc.Invoke<ScriptReference, object>(_pluginContext.Domain, reference, r =>
var t = Type.GetType(r.TypeName, true, false);
return Activator.CreateInstance(t);
//Return a reference which keeps this object alive until disposed
return new Reference<T>(instance, reference.TypeName, reference.Name);
The idea is that Reference<T> is the sponsor for the object and as long as it stays alive the object in the remote domain will also stay alive. This is where the problem lies, I am accessing objects through their reference and yet I still get the "disconnected at server" exception. Here is my implementation of Reference<T>:
public sealed class Reference<T>
: IDisposable
where T : MarshalByRefObject
private InnerSponsor _sponsor;
public T RemoteObject
get { return _sponsor.RemoteObject; }
public string TypeName { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Reference(T obj, string typeName = null, string name = null)
TypeName = typeName;
Name = name;
_sponsor = new InnerSponsor(obj);
if (_sponsor != null)
_sponsor = null;
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Inner sponsor is the actual sponsor (and is kept alive by the remoting system).
/// If all references to Reference are lost, it will dispose the sponsor in its destructor
/// </summary>
private sealed class InnerSponsor
: MarshalByRefObject, ISponsor, IDisposable
private readonly ILease _lease;
private bool _isDisposed;
public readonly T RemoteObject;
private bool _isUnregistered = false;
public InnerSponsor(T obj)
RemoteObject = obj;
_lease = (ILease)obj.GetLifetimeService();
_lease.Register(this, SponsorTime());
public TimeSpan Renewal(ILease lease)
if (lease == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("lease");
if (_isDisposed)
if (!_isUnregistered)
_isUnregistered = true;
return TimeSpan.Zero;
return SponsorTime();
private static TimeSpan SponsorTime()
return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(/*Some value fetched from configuration*/);
public void Dispose()
_isDisposed = true;
What am I doing wrong to cause my objects to die even whilst there is a live Reference<T> to them?
? Could also be your AppDomain is dying if theInitializeLifetimeService()
is not being called on it which would start wreaking havoc on your instances. – Joinville